Nikolay Grabbe
Nikolay Grabbe
Top Movie Cast
«Богатырь» идёт в Мартоtrue- Ned Bergen Andrei Rublevtrue- Stepan, Centurion of the Grand Duke The Long Recesstrue- Tarasov Vasilich Goodbye, Boys!true- военком The Red Snowball Treetrue- начальник колонии Land and Peopletrue- Investigator The City Is Acceptedtrue- Халецкий Счет человеческийtrue- Колчев One Times Onetrue- Dominoshnik Miminotrue- Volokhov's friend Преступление: Обманtrue- сварщик The Cock and Boyartrue- The Cock The Little Runawaytrue- foreman Crane in the Skytrue- Куров Underwater Beretstrue- Well-fed ship captain / truck driver (voice) Your Son and Brothertrue- Николай Иванович, участковый милиционер The Secret of the Third Planettrue- Captain Buran (voice) Allow Take-Off!true- Ivan Ivanovich Mysterious Findtrue- British lieutenant Kysh and TwoBriefcasestrue- сосед Алёши Adult Childrentrue- policeman The Tale of Tsar Saltantrue- Vtoroy korabelshchik (voice) What Do You Know to Do?true The Little Elephant and a Lettertrue- Dr. Hippo (voice) / доктор Бегемот Wingstrue- Konstantin Mikhaylovich Shuvalov Through Icy Hazetrue- Fisherman Из Лебяжьего сообщаютtrue- Женя, работник прилавка Courage Schooltrue- Ян, он же Иван, партизан The Incident at Mine No. 8true- Volkov The Legend of Tilltrue- judge Afonyatrue- Владимир Николаевич, начальник ЖЭКа, сосед Афони The Secret Agent's Blundertrue- Krug Border Silencetrue- Василий Федорович, начальник заставы A Special Unittrue- war veteran The Secret Agent's Returntrue- Krug One of Ustrue- 'Gruzchik' They Conquer the Skiestrue- constructor The Mexicantrue- Rivera's assistant on the ring (uncredited) Quiet Flows the Dontrue- officer (uncredited) Fifth Seasontrue- Direktor zavode At Your Thresholdtrue- Mikhail Vasilyevich shofyor Ilf and Petrov Rode in the Tramtrue- Glavmyy redaktor gazety Пилюляtrue- The bear (voice) When September Comestrue- рентгенолог Михаил Иванович Chuchelo-myauchelotrue- (voice) Vasilyoktrue- Old man on the boat (voice)