Viktor Shulgin
Viktor Shulgin
Top Movie Cast
We Will Meet in the Metrotrue Snake Catchertrue- Anatoly Semyonovich Weekend Dadtrue- дед, Сергеев Дмитрий Сергеевич Tactics of Long-Distance Runningtrue- Petrovich The Invisible Mantrue- konstebl Jaffers Front in the Rear of the Enemytrue The City Is Acceptedtrue- Григорий Иванович Севергин, подполковник Lingonberries in the Foresttrue- The village doctor Счет человеческийtrue- Ахокайнен No Right to Failtrue- commander of a partisan detachment The World in Three Dimensionstrue Right of First Signaturetrue A Story About a Simple Thingtrue- управдом Souvenir for the Prosecutortrue- Pavel Vasilyevich Grachyov The Casket of Maria Medicitrue- Nefedov Territorytrue- Police Sergeant Allow Take-Off!true- Pyotr The Extraterrestrial Womentrue Smoke of the Fatherlandtrue Our Honest Breadtrue- Photographer And You Will See the Skytrue- Commander From Pay to Paytrue- member of the regional Committee With No Expiration Datetrue- Федор Храпин (Федор Алексеевич), бывший полицай С весельем и отвагойtrue- Stepan Preliminary Investigationtrue- dyadya Fedot Near the Dangerous Linetrue Day Follows Nighttrue- Петр Иванович Батюк I Will Never Forget Youtrue- Pyotr Nikiforovich Bochkarev - Fedor's father Zigzag of Successtrue- Vasili Aleksandrovich Start Liquidationtrue- Pavel Petrovich Odintsov, police colonel Front Without Flankstrue- Victor Sergeevich Khvat Operation 'Trust'true- Colonel Zhukovsky Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Professiontrue- боярин The Stepmothertrue- Mikheich Comrade Nikanorova Awaits Youtrue- policeman Troublemakertrue- collective farm chairman Fiasco of Operation Terrortrue- eserowiec Protopopow You and Metrue- radiologist The Confrontationtrue- Fomin An Optimistic Tragedytrue- tall sailor Starling and Lyretrue- Siegfried I Don't Want to Make You Waittrue- Dementich Password "Hotel Regina"true The Elephant Got Losttrue