Sebastian Papaiani
Sebastian Papaiani
Top Movie Cast
The High schoolerstrue- Mihai's father Brigade Miscellaneous Steps Intrue- Plutonier Căpșună Tonight We'll Celebrate in the Familytrue- Alecu Brigade Miscellaneous on Alerttrue- Plutonier Căpșună With Clean Handstrue- Oarca Uncle Marin, the Billionairetrue- Gogu The Last Bullettrue- Oarcă I, You, and Ovidiutrue- Toma Cernat Gaudeamus igiturtrue- Mihai Gliga Hello, Greatgranny Is Landing!true- Romeo The Redheadtrue- Thief Lampă A Midsummer Day's Smiletrue- Făniță Autumn of the Goslingstrue- Pompei Last Night of Lovetrue- Lieutenant Orghidan The Mornings of a Sensible Youthtrue- Fane The Saturday Night Dancetrue- Papă-Lapte Expresul de Bufteatrue- Sebastian Lacrimi de iubiretrue- Nea Tache Ciprian Porumbescutrue- Zaharia Voronca, colegul lui Ciprian Brigade Miscellaneous in the Mountains and at the Seatrue- NCO Căpșună Stephen the Great: Vaslui 1475true- Nobleman Ionut Jder Păcală se întoarcetrue- Păcală's father The Martens Brotherstrue- Ionuț Jder The Secret of Bacchustrue- Grig Ștevie Iarna bobocilortrue- Pompei The Migrant Birds Are Comingtrue- Pamfil Good Evening, Irinatrue- Donciu Secretul lui Nemesistrue- Radu Poprescu We Were Sixteentrue- Corporal Dobriță The Recruitmenttrue- Major Niță The Computer Testifiestrue- Maj. Moncea Snowfall Seasontrue- Valeruș A World Wihout Skytrue- Petre The Momenttrue- Petre Nobilu A Studio Searching for a Startrue- The Comic Mad Foresttrue- Dobrică Tunsu Blackmailtrue- Vasile Dobrescu Your Part of the Blametrue- Mihai Brad Love Begins on Fridaytrue- Dudu The Ringtrue- Bio-Aktiv Spokesman Niște băieți grozavitrue- Dode Anything for Soccertrue- fotbalistul Tipurnea