Milutin Butković
Milutin Butković
Top Movie Cast
Cans or Bagstrue- Drug Krečalić Radovan the Thirdtrue- Stanislav Balkan Express 2true- Obren The Elusive Summer of '68true- Spasoje's father The Bizarre Countrytrue- Viši činovnik ministarstva Backbonetrue- Komšija sa naočarima The Long Life of the Kos's, a Married Coupletrue- Gospodin Milan Kos The Kitchentrue- Skitnica What Is with You, Nina?true- Budimir The Infantry Anttrue- (voice) Desire Named Streetcartrue- Poštar Sleeping Cartrue- Pijanac The Cabinet Minister's Wifetrue- Teča Panta The Man in a Silver Jackettrue- Bora The Feverish Yearstrue- Čovek na stanici Crowstrue- Predsednik komisije A Man in an Empty Roomtrue- Pacolovac Russian Tzartrue- Kosta Radenković The Magnificent Cuckoldtrue- Petruš