Carl Meyer
Carl Meyer
Top Movie Cast
Cheese Burglartrue- Cat (voice) The Long Shottrue- Jockey Mr. Bug Goes to Towntrue- Smack (voice) The Stupidstitious Cattrue- Cat (voice) Naughty But Micetrue- Mice (voice) Popeye Meets William Telltrue- William Tell (voice) (uncredited) Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamptrue- Evil Wazzir (voice) (uncredited) Top Movie Crew
Hide and ShriektrueWriting
Doing What's FrighttrueWriting
Be Mice to CatstrueWriting
The Awful ToothtrueWriting
Stork Raving MadtrueWriting
Starting from HatchtrueWriting
A Scout with the GouttrueWriting
Cheese BurglartrueWriting
Popeye's MirthdaytrueWriting
Mr. Money GagstrueWriting
The BulleteerstrueWriting
Gabby Goes FishingtrueWriting
The Magnetic TelescopetrueWriting
Patriotic PopeyetrueWriting
Cookin' with GagstrueWriting
Gopher SpinachtrueWriting
The Crystal BrawltrueWriting
Popeye, the Ace of SpacetrueWriting
Alpine for YoutrueWriting
Firemen's BrawltrueWriting
Baby Wants SpinachtrueWriting
Quack-a Doodle-DootrueWriting
Child SockologytrueWriting
The Hungry GoattrueWriting
Happy BirthdazetrueWriting
Popalong PopeyetrueWriting
Swimmer Take AlltrueWriting
Baby Wants a BattletrueWriting
Quick on the VigortrueWriting
Pilgrim PopeyetrueWriting
Thrill of FairtrueWriting
Lunch with a PunchtrueWriting
Vacation with PlaytrueWriting
Jitterbug JivetrueWriting
Barking Dogs Don't FitetrueWriting
Snow Place Like HometrueWriting
Tops in the Big ToptrueWriting
Lulu's Indoor OutingtrueWriting
A Self-Made MongreltrueWriting
A Lamb in a JamtrueWriting
No Mutton fer Nuttin'trueWriting
Scrappily MarriedtrueWriting
A Mutt in a RuttrueWriting
The Royal Four-FlushertrueWriting
Sock-a-Bye KittytrueWriting
Little Red School MousetrueWriting
Ups an' Downs DerbytrueWriting
Sudden Fried ChickentrueWriting
Spinach Fer BritaintrueWriting
As the Crow LiestrueWriting
Mice Meeting YoutrueWriting
The Stupidstitious CattrueWriting
One Quack MindtrueWriting
Huey's Father's DaytrueWriting
Clown on the FarmtrueWriting
Much Ado About MuttontrueWriting
Hep Cat SymphonytrueWriting
Twinkletoes in Hat StufftrueWriting
Abusement ParktrueWriting
Fit to Be ToyedtrueWriting
Pre-Hysterical MantrueWriting
Lumberjack and JilltrueWriting
Tar with a StartrueWriting
Service with a GuiletrueWriting
Zero the HoundtrueWriting