Burke Byrnes
Burke Byrnes
Top Movie Cast
The Onion Fieldtrue- CHP Officer Odom The Strange Possession of Mrs. Olivertrue- Bartender at Beach After Dark, My Sweettrue- Cop Gidget Gets Marriedtrue- Minister The Land Before Timetrue- Daddy Topps (voice) The New Centurionstrue- Phillips Tight as a Drumtrue- Arthur Clark Missing Piecestrue- 2nd Man Hood Witchboardtrue- Lt. Dewhurst Love on the Runtrue- Melvin Small The Falcon and the Snowmantrue- U.S. Customs Official Fun and Gamestrue- Dennis Welcome Home, Jellybeantrue Daughters of Privilegetrue- Elkay Hibbard Taking Care of Businesstrue- Prison Guard Air Americatrue- Recruiter Robot Warstrue- Technician Curly Suetrue- Dr. Maxwell Child's Play 3true- Sergeant Clark Legal Eaglestrue- Second Cop Once Upon a Spytrue- Burkle Private Schooltrue- Mr. Ramsay Moment of Truth: Cradle of Conspiracytrue- Officer Otis A Different Storytrue- Richard II Cindytrue- Swearing-In Officer Meteortrue- Coast Guard Officer Bound for Glorytrue- Mr. Graham The Terminal Mantrue- Benson's Guard The Night They Took Miss Beautifultrue- Barney Jessup The Last of the Finesttrue- Commnader Orsni Fun with Dick and Janetrue- Roger The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswaldtrue Class of '63true- Second Alumnus