Charles Stevens
Charles Stevens
Top Movie Cast
The Feathered Serpenttrue- Manuel (uncredited) Belle Starr's Daughtertrue- Cherokee Joe Police Calltrue- Gang Leader Empty Handstrue- Indian Guide The Savage Hordetrue- Morellis Aces and Eightstrue- Captain Felipe de Lopez The California Trailtrue- Juan Now We're in the Airtrue- Knife Thrower (uncredited) Stand and Delivertrue- Pietro Tropic Zonetrue- Macario's Grandfather (uncredited) Ride the Pink Horsetrue- Drunk Mexican (uncredited) Coroner Creektrue- Indian (uncredited) The Outsidertrue- Joseph Hayes Savage Mutinytrue- Chief Wamai Smoky Canyontrue- Johnny Big Foot Fortunes of Captain Bloodtrue- Juan Otlas Fury at Furnace Creektrue- Jose Artego (uncredited) Bandits of the Badlandstrue- Rusty The Vanishing Americantrue- Quah-Tan Man with the Steel Whiptrue- Blackjack Sam Gunfighters of the Northwesttrue- Cariboo Miguel Strogofftrue- Secuaz de Tartaro Last Train from Gun Hilltrue- Keno Oh! Susannatrue- Charlie Grass A Ticket to Tomahawktrue- Trancos Return of the Bad Mentrue- Grey Eagle Sinbad the Sailortrue- Ruri The Walking Hillstrue- Cleve Buffalo Bill Rides Againtrue- White Mountain Escape from Fort Bravotrue- Eilota The Ten Commandmentstrue- Slave Killer Leopardtrue- Tony Gonzales The Cowboy and the Indianstrue- Broken Arm (uncredited) Robin Hoodtrue- Prince John's Aide The Primitive Lovertrue- Pedro Indian Territorytrue- Soma The Girl and the Gamblertrue- Andres Bad Men of the Bordertrue- Juan Marked Trailstrue- Henchman Denver The Bold Caballerotrue- Captain Vargas Oklahoma Territorytrue- Tom Badger The Crime of Doctor Hallettrue- Talamu The Iron Masktrue- Planchet - D'Artagnan's Servant Fury of the Jungletrue- Kimba Winners of the Westtrue- Snakeye Double Troubletrue- Thief Flirting with Fatetrue- Garcia's Chauffeur South of the Rio Grandetrue- Pedro The Good Bad-Mantrue- Bandit Drum Tapstrue- Indian Joe The Renegade Rangertrue- Manuel Flaming Frontierstrue- Henchman Breed Tide of Empiretrue- Indian Servant Where the North Beginstrue- The Fox Wild West Daystrue- Buckskin Frank, Henchman The Man from Painted Posttrue- Tony Lopez Blood and Sandtrue- Pablo Gomez Calcuttatrue- Strangler (uncredited) Moran of the Lady Lettytrue- Seaman La Cucarachatrue- Pancho's Valet (uncredited) Robin Hood of El Doradotrue- Wedding Guest / Bandit Captain Fly-by-Nighttrue- Indian The Oregon Trailtrue- 'Breed' Union Pacifictrue- Indian Shooting Mollie (uncredited) Frontier Marshaltrue- Indian Charlie The Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchutrue The Man Who Wouldn't Talktrue- Mexican Roll, Thunder, Roll!true- Felipe, El Conejo rider Untamedtrue- Indian Trapper (uncredited) The Showdowntrue- Indian Joe Beyond the Blue Horizontrue- Panao Charlie Chan in Panamatrue- Native Fisherman-Cameraman Spy The Mystery of the Leaping Fishtrue- Japanese Accomplice (uncredited) Here Comes Troubletrue- Malay Mike The Black Piratetrue- Powder Man Mantraptrue- Lawrence Jackfish My Darling Clementinetrue- Indian Charlie (uncredited) The Thief of Bagdadtrue- Persian Prince's Awaker (uncredited) The Mark of Zorrotrue- José (uncredited) Desperate Trailstrue- Henchman Ortega The Americanotrue- Col. Gargaras Behind the Newstrue- Carlos Marquez The Mummy's Cursetrue- Achilles California Passagetrue- Pedro The Bad Mantrue- Venustiano Roaring Frontierstrue- Moccasin The Lion and the Horsetrue- Deputy Britt Overland Mailtrue- Puma - Henchman The Broken Wingtrue- Chicken Thief Jeopardytrue- Mexican Father Give Us This Nighttrue- Fisherman Forbidden Valleytrue- Blackjack South of the Rio Grandetrue- Sebastian The Matrimaniactrue- Lineman (uncredited) Martyrs of the Alamotrue- Mexican Soldier Call of the Wildtrue- Francois The Birth of a Nationtrue- Volunteer His Majesty, the Americantrue- Officer The Woman I Stoletrue- Crewman Tom Sawyertrue- Injun Joe Half Way to Shanghaitrue- Ali Call of the Coyote: A Legend of the Golden Westtrue- Pancho Mr. Fix-Ittrue- Gangster (uncredited) Wild and Woollytrue- Pedro The Conquering Hordetrue- John Ride, Vaquero!true- Vaquero Diamond Handcuffstrue- Niambo Tropic Holidaytrue- Peón (uncredited) The Corsican Brotherstrue- Shepherd (Uncredited) Across the Pacifictrue- Emilio Aguinaldo Recompensetrue- Mosheshoe American Aristocracytrue- Mexican (uncredited) Don Q Son of Zorrotrue- Robledo Adventuretrue- Man in Cantina (uncredited) A Son of His Fathertrue- Pablo Joaquin Murrietatrue- Murrieta Man on Trial (uncredited) The Three Musketeerstrue- Planchet The Nuttrue- Henchman (Uncredited) The Lives of a Bengal Lancertrue- McGregor's Servant (uncredited) Six-Shooter Andytrue- Mexican John Perils of Paulinetrue- Lee The Mollycoddletrue- Yellow Horse