Tokuji Kobayashi
Tokuji Kobayashi
Top Movie Cast
One Wonderful Sundaytrue- Overweight apartment receptionist Apart from Youtrue- Guest Chûshingura - Zempen: Akahokyô no makitrue The Ballad of Narayamatrue- One of the villagers who teaches Narayama's manners (uncredited) Next Door to Happinesstrue Woman in the Misttrue- A student The Trio's Engagementstrue- An examinee Day-Dreamtrue- Old patient Namida no hanamichitrue- 中村吉蔵 Hard Timestrue- Gentleman Parakin to Kyū-chan mōshiwakenai yarō-tachitrue Osayo koisugatatrue- Sumida The Bride Talks in Her Sleeptrue- Komura The Neighbour's Wife and Minetrue The Dancing Girl of Izutrue- Eikichi, brother of Kaoru Burden of Lifetrue- Shunkichi Kuriyama The Rose on His Armtrue- Neighbour on the right, Mister My Elder Brothertrue- Senko Lady Doctor Kinuyotrue- Patient A Stakeouttrue- Laundry owner Hattari Seinen Shinshitrue Treasure Mountaintrue- Tanjiro Maria of the Ant Villagetrue The Spy Has Not Died Yettrue Family Meetingtrue- Clerk A Twenty-Four Eyestrue- Matsue no Chichi The Lights of Asakusatrue- Perfumer Equinox Flowertrue- Schoolmate Happiness of Us Alonetrue The Big Ambitiontrue- Old man Nomura A Brother and His Younger Sistertrue- Eiji Sawada The Loyal 47 Ronintrue- Genzaemon Tonomura College Is a Nice Placetrue- Nishida A Woman's Lifetrue- Nobuko's father Odoru ryûgûjôtrue- Mr. Fugu Mado Kara Tobidasetrue- Evangelist for 'Oterashi'