Vsevolod Abdulov
Vsevolod Abdulov
Top Movie Cast
Goal at Spasskie Gatetrue Cat and Mousetrue- (voice) Шелковая кисточкаtrue- (voice) Мой приятель светофорtrue- (voice) Investigation Held by Kolobki. The First Investigationtrue- Kolobok (voice) Investigation Held by Kolobkis. Theft of the centurytrue- Kolobok (voice) The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changedtrue- Pyotr Solovyov Vampires of Geonatrue- Yanin Armed and Very Dangeroustrue- Henri York, a journalist Doctor Aybolittrue- Parrot (voice) The Touchtrue- Guest at the wedding There Were Three Bachelorstrue The Trust That Has Bursttrue Pilot Brothers Sometimes Fishtrue- Карбофос Pilot Brothers Drink Tea in the Eveningstrue- Карбофос Pilot Brothers Show Each Other New Year's Magic Trickstrue- Карбофос The Teacher of Literaturetrue Instead of Metrue- Саймон Pages of Russian History. The Land of the Ancestorstrue- (voice) The Morning Roundtrue- Budkevich Underwater Beretstrue- Forwarder / helmsman (voice) Николай Угодник и охотникиtrue A Few Pages From the Life of a Ghosttrue Masters of Geonatrue- Yanin The Lion Ran Away from the Housetrue Own Crosstrue- Eduard /Eduard's Father Different Girltrue- Vasiliy Dmitriyevich Цирк зажигает огниtrue- Костя Долгий путь в лабиринтеtrue- Мартын Лацис, председатель ВУЧК At Eighteen Boyish Yearstrue- Шутов, военный лётчик, однополчанин Тимура The Roundabouttrue- Student Соло для часов с боемtrue- Pavel Jesensky Why Don't Chicken's Peck Money?true The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finntrue- Teacher Between Sky and Earthtrue Lord Arthur Savile's Crimetrue Profile Images
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