Nikolai Sektimenko
Nikolai Sektimenko
Top Movie Cast
The Ascenttrue- Стась Гоменюк, полицай I'm Declaring War on Youtrue- Mikhail Shmagin (Shmaga), drug i odnoklassnik Yerokhina Eight Days of Hopetrue- Коля Зинченко, шахтёр Быть человекомtrue- Mikhail Bilous Weekday Criminal Investigationtrue- лейтенант в колонии Autumn Trip to Mothertrue A Tale of a Loud Drumtrue Especially dangeroustrue- Селезнёв Special Forces Squadtrue- лейтенант Борис Крутиков The Black Hen, or Living Undergroundtrue- Yegor One-Two, Soldiers Were Going...true- Глебов Blue Lightningstrue- Yakovina Who, If Not You...true- Юрий Батов Faithful Ruslan: History of the Guard Dogtrue- Капитан НКВД Each Evening After Worktrue- Belov There is no Stranger's Landtrue Zozulya with Diplomatrue- Sashko Atonement for Others' Sinstrue