Barney Hellum
Barney Hellum
Top Movie Cast
Gold Digger of Weepahtrue- Miner The Girl from Everywheretrue- Cameraman The Swim Princesstrue- County Sheriff / Justice of the Peace Smith's Restauranttrue- Customer Motorboat Mamastrue- Mischievous Cabaret Reveller's Pal / Farmer Rube Obelfinger Crazy to Acttrue- Cameraman Musclebound Musictrue- The Bandleader A Prodigal Bridegroomtrue- The Mudpack Salesman The Soapsuds Ladytrue- Waldo Finkle Hotsy-Totsytrue- Jake Zinkus - Store Owner Hot Cakes for Twotrue- Gus Runty Should Husbands Marry?true- Otto Huffer - the Cafe Owner A Harem Knighttrue- The Rajah's Valet The Raspberry Romancetrue- MacBelch - Bonnie's Father Butter Fingerstrue- Cart Driver Over Thereaboutstrue- German Servant The Wild Goose Chasertrue- Husband in Film A Sweet Pickletrue- Moe Ginsberg Galloping Bungalowstrue- Half-Shaved Man The Pride of Pikevilletrue- Ludwig - the Baron's Valet A Rainy Knighttrue- The Rival Spanking Breezestrue- Cousin Hugo Run, Girl, Runtrue- Trustee The Dentisttrue- Patient in Waiting Room Riders of the Purple Cowstrue- Rustler (uncredited) Honeymoon Hardshipstrue- Surprise Visistor Boobs in the Woodtrue- Il lavapiatti Runnin' Through the Ryetrue- Barney Google Smith's Army Lifetrue- Short Soldier