Viktor Chekmaryov
Viktor Chekmaryov
Top Movie Cast
The House is Being Builttrue The Rumyantsev Casetrue- Shmyglo Ugryum-Rivertrue- Pyotr Prokhor The Little Runawaytrue- a man on a business trip The White Weathervanetrue- Бугасов I Want to Believetrue- Head of Archives A Friend in Court Is Better...true- archivist Man in the Passage Yardtrue- Heinrich Osipovich Bush, friend of Yushkov The Worker's Settlementtrue- Moshkin The Bronze Birdtrue- Yerofeyev The Whirligig of Lifetrue Our Correspondenttrue- Fyodor Nikitin The Judgmenttrue- Kuzma Ilyich Two Livestrue- Komendant of Tauride Palace Life in Your Handstrue- Mikhail Ivanovich Bonivur's Hearttrue- Chuvalkov Dominated by goldtrue- Иван Тимофеевич Засыпкин The Volunteerstrue- Oglotkov While a Person is Alivetrue- Иван Данилович A Long Path on a Short Daytrue- accountant The Soul Callstrue- factory director Артист из Кохановкиtrue- Kievlyanin-lyubitel piva (as K. Chekmaryov) Twelve Companionstrue- Berberyan Грешницаtrue- brat Vasiliy Негасимое пламяtrue- Pridorogin Atonement for Others' Sinstrue Shot In The Backtrue- Семён Семёнович Семёнов, подпольный артельщик The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garintrue- Четырёхпалый, подельник Артура Василий Докучаевtrue- Aleksey Yermolov Days of the Turbinstrue- Лисович, владелец комнат