Ferenc Bencze
Ferenc Bencze
Top Movie Cast
A nagyenyedi két fűzfatrue- Bórembukk One Day More or Lesstrue- Obrád Simon The Revolt of Jobtrue- Günther Forest of the Hangedtrue- platoon leader Outbreaktrue- Police officer Volley for a Black Buffalotrue Just Like at Hometrue- András' father The Stone Weddingtrue- Sotul certaret The Redheadtrue- gardinaul Ghenadie The Mace with Three Sealstrue- Csaky A Summer Taletrue- Costea Through the Ashes of the Empiretrue- Dodu Two Men for One Deathtrue Seven Daystrue- Col. Sârbu A Place under the Suntrue