Vladimir Ratomsky
Vladimir Ratomsky
Top Movie Cast
The Unforgettable Year 1919true- Potapov In the Heart of the Foresttrue- (voice) Land and Peopletrue- Terentiy Petrovich Stories About Lenintrue- Corporal A Naughty Kittentrue- Hare (voice) In a Quiet Marinatrue- Kolyuchkin Dream of a Cossacktrue- Stepan Petrovich Ragulin Blood Tiestrue- Дровосекин (хозяин квартиры) Little Masha and The Beartrue- Grandfather (voice) It Happened in Penkovotrue- Ivan Savvich Аварияtrue- Иван Ермолаевич Дроздов It Began This Way...true- police chief Case No. 306true- Иван Егорович, домоуправ The End of the Worldtrue- old man Pafnutiy Tale About Another's Painttrue- Narrator (voice) The Old Man and the Cranetrue- Old man (voice) The End of the Black Swamptrue- Vodyanoy (voice)