Luiz Adelmo Manzano
Luiz Adelmo Manzano
Top Movie Cast
Corpos Celestestrue- Lunar Landing Narrator If God Comes Let Him Bring a Guntrue- TV Narrator The Surgeon of the Rusty Knifetrue- Radio Narrator Top Movie Crew
Alice Especial, Part 2: The Last NighttrueSound
A Má CriadatrueProduction
Cine Gibi: O FilmetrueSound
O Rochedo e a EstrelatrueSound
A Guerra dos RochatrueSound
Se Puder... Dirija!trueSound
Empirion: Uma Aventura com EinsteintrueSound
O Anão que Virou GigantetrueSound
Eu Sei Que Você SabetrueSound
The Sign of ChaostrueSound
Two Lost in a Dirty NighttrueSound
The Mystery of SintratrueSound
It's Dough That Girls LiketrueSound
Primeiro MovimentotrueSound
Who Killed Pixote?trueCrew
The Surgeon of the Rusty KnifetrueSound
The Surgeon of the Rusty KnifetrueSound
The Surgeon of the Rusty KnifetrueSound
The Surgeon of the Rusty KnifetrueSound
As Tranças de MariatrueEditing
Dona Cristina Perdeu a MemóriatrueSound