Manuel Gómez Pereira
Manuel Gómez Pereira
Top Movie Cast
La corte de Anatrue- Himself - Filmmaker Stories of Our Cinematrue- Himself - Filmmaker Top Movie Crew
Mouth to MouthtrueDirecting
Mouth to MouthtrueWriting
Why Do They Call It Love When They Mean Sex?trueDirecting
Between Your LegstrueWriting
Between Your LegstrueDirecting
Love Can Seriously Damage Your HealthtrueDirecting
The Hanged MantrueDirecting
Cosas que hacen que la vida valga la penatrueDirecting
All Men Are the SametrueDirecting
Nos va la marchatrueDirecting
Nos va la marchatrueWriting
The Ignorance of BloodtrueDirecting
Love Can Seriously Damage Your HealthtrueWriting
Going Down in MoroccotrueDirecting
The Hanged MantrueWriting
Love Can Seriously Damage Your HealthtrueProduction
With Good ReasontrueDirecting
Todos los hombres son igualestrueDirecting
Todos los hombres son igualestrueWriting
The Hanged MantrueProduction
Between Your LegstrueProduction
Why Do They Call It Love When They Mean Sex?trueWriting
All Men Are the SametrueWriting
What Makes Women Laugh?trueWriting
Divine WordstrueDirecting
Esposa y amantetrueDirecting
The Witching HourtrueDirecting
Hay que deshacer la casatrueDirecting
What Makes Women Laugh?trueProduction
Un funeral de locostrueDirecting