Yuri Volyntsev
Yuri Volyntsev
Top Movie Cast
Nevermind The Grieftrue- Tsar (voice) The Hares Scared the Little Bunnytrue- (voice) Valuable Parceltrue- (voice) Companion of Caviartrue- (voice) Лесные сказкиtrue- (voice) Family is Like Familytrue- Father Frost Power Porridgetrue- Dad #3 (voice) Funny People!true- Романсов Laughter and Grief by the White Seatrue- Ivan (voice) The Picture of Dorian Graytrue There's Good Weather in Deribasovskaya, Or It's Raining Again in Brighton Beachtrue- Stepan, KGB general Ясь и Янинаtrue- Daniil Stepanovich - mladshiy leytenant militsii Thirteenth Chairmantrue- Вьюгин The Man with the Guntrue- матрос Дымов Under the Chestnut Trees of Praguetrue- Гончаренко The Magic Ringtrue- Ivan (voice) Once Upon a Timetrue- Grandfather / Wolf / Bear The Morning Roundtrue- Malishevskiy The Roundabouttrue- Syusin The Secret of the Third Planettrue- Captain Zelyony (voice) The Dog in Bootstrue- Tolstyak (The Fatty) (voice) / Толстяк (Портос) Ilya Muromets and Highwayman Nightingaletrue- (voice) Circus in the Circustrue- Aleksandr Borisovich Teremoktrue- Bear (voice) Nylon 100%true- шабашник Федя, Глашин воздыхатель Time, Forward!true- writer Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Mantrue- Gorodulin Devil With a Briefcasetrue Мещанин во дворянствеtrue- Le maître d'armes Alice Through the Looking Glasstrue- Humpty Dumpty (voice) Фунтик в циркеtrue- Dober / сыщик Добер Неуловимый фунтикtrue- Dober / сыщик Добер Фунтик и сыщикиtrue- Dober / сыщик Добер Фунтик и старушка с усамиtrue- Dober / сыщик Добер Anna Kareninatrue- officer About a Puppytrue- The Boar (voice) A Span of Landtrue- Captain Yatsenko The Hattrue- Ivan Fedoseyevich Escape of Mr. McKinleytrue- сослуживец Мак-Кинли Shadow, or Maybe Everything Will Be Finetrue- первый министр Fate Plays with a Mantrue- инженер The Secret Agent's Blundertrue- taxi company driver The Paradise Applestrue- investigator The Raintrue- Senka, apprentice (voice) The Adventures of the Magic Globe or Witch's Trickstrue- The Tsar (voice) The Girl and the Beartrue The Selfish Gianttrue- The Selfish Giant (voice) What Sound Does a Mosquito Make?true- Wolf / Bear (voice) How Mushrooms Fought Against Peastrue- Fly agaric / Mushroom (voice) Derezatrue- Trusha the rabbit (voice, uncredited)