Bahman Farmanara
Bahman Farmanara
Top Movie Cast
The Concert that was not Performedtrue- Self Being Farmanaratrue- himself A Man for All Seasonstrue Smell of Camphor, Fragrance of Jasminetrue- Bahman Farjami Nosrat Karimi, Being an Artist in Irantrue- himself Top Movie Crew
The Familiar SoiltrueWriting
Prince EhtejabtrueProduction
Tall Shadows of the WindtrueProduction
The House of Qamar KhanoomtrueDirecting
The Concert that was not PerformedtrueProduction
The Concert that was not PerformedtrueDirecting
Smell of Camphor, Fragrance of JasminetrueDirecting
Chess of the WindtrueProduction
Tall Shadows of the WindtrueDirecting
Prince EhtejabtrueDirecting
A Little KisstrueDirecting
Prince EhtejabtrueWriting
Tall Shadows of the WindtrueWriting
Smell of Camphor, Fragrance of JasminetrueWriting
A Man for All SeasonstrueDirecting
The Desert of the TartarstrueProduction
A House Built on WatertrueDirecting
The Familiar SoiltrueDirecting
Tale of the SeatrueDirecting
Persian CarpettrueDirecting
Persian CarpettrueWriting
Along the NighttrueProduction
Tale of the SeatrueWriting
A House Built on WatertrueWriting
A House Built on WatertrueProduction
Simin narrated by SimintrueDirecting