Almira Sessions
Almira Sessions
Top Movie Cast
The Last of the Secret Agents?true- Middle-Aged Lady at Topless a Go-Go (uncredited) Rebel Without a Causetrue- Planetarium Teacher (uncredited) Feartrue- Mrs. Williams - Landlady Dynamitetrue- Jennie (uncredited) Kill the Umpiretrue- Baseball Spectator (uncredited) The Diary of a Chambermaidtrue- Marianne Sullivan's Travelstrue- Ursula Kornheiser Calling Homicidetrue- Mrs. Ida Dunsetter The Bishop's Wifetrue- First Lady in Michel's Rosemary's Babytrue- Mrs. Sabatini (uncredited) The Heat's Ontrue- Hannah Bainbridge Three Girls About Towntrue- Tessie Conarchy, scrubwoman The Doughgirlstrue- Hotel maid Woman Who Came Backtrue- Bessie Forever Femaletrue- Mother at Airport (uncredited) Roseanna McCoytrue- Cousin Zinny The Affairs of Dobie Gillistrue- Aunt Naomi Watermelon Mantrue- Woman on Bus (uncredited) Paris Modeltrue- Mrs. Boggs The Female Animaltrue- Mabel (uncredited) Oklahoma Annietrue- Carrie Fudge The Blue Gardeniatrue- Cleaning Lady (uncredited) Bathing Beautytrue- Ms. Phillips (uncredited) Sun Valley Serenadetrue- Nurse Summer and Smoketrue- Committee Woman (uncredited) The Miracle of Morgan’s Creektrue- Mrs. Mariah Woodson (uncredited) Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Nighttrue- Mary Under the Yum-Yum Treetrue- Woman (uncredited) Henry Aldrich's Little Secrettrue- Aunt Maude She Knew All the Answerstrue- Elaine Wingate Dixie Jamboreetrue- Mrs. Ellabella Jackson, Susan's Aunt It's a Wonderful Lifetrue- Potter's Secretary (uncredited) The Ox-Bow Incidenttrue- Miss Swanson (uncredited) Merton of the Moviestrue- Mammoth Studio's Nurse (uncredited) Monsieur Verdouxtrue- Lena Couvais The Southernertrue- Mrs. Burke (uncredited) Two O'Clock Couragetrue- Mrs. Daniels (uncredited) Summer Stocktrue- Constance Fliggerton (uncredited) Hell's Outposttrue- Mrs. O'Sullivan's Companion (uncredited) It's Always Fair Weathertrue- Longwood House Manager (uncredited) Here Comes the Groomtrue- Wife on Airplane Waywardtrue- Aunt Mary Lou Reed (uncredited) Little Nellie Kellytrue- Miss Corrigan (uncredited) The Old Frontiertrue- Mrs. Smedley Tick... Tick... Tick...true- Townswoman (uncredited) Love and Learntrue- The Bride (uncredited) Paul Revere, Jr.true- Townswoman Willardtrue- Carrie Smith Blossoms in the Dusttrue- Mrs. Brown Night Unto Nighttrue- Hotel Maid My Kingdom for a Cooktrue- Hattie Apartment for Peggytrue- Mrs. Landon Obliging Young Ladytrue- Maid at Lake Mohawk Lodge The All-Star Bond Rallytrue- Woman Next to Fibber in Audience Slightly Dangeroustrue- Peggy's landlady (uncredited) Arthur Takes Overtrue- Mrs. Barnafogle Madame Curietrue- Madame Michaud (uncredited) Presenting Lily Marstrue- Boardinghouse Manager Ladies of the Chorustrue- Party Guest The Fountainheadtrue- Dominique's Housekeeper at Quarry (uncredited) Jack and the Beanstalktrue- Mrs. Mergatroyd (uncredited) The Missing Ladytrue- Miss Effie Joe Palooka in Humphrey Takes a Chancetrue- Mrs. Hardwig I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Nowtrue- Miss Claybourne (uncredited) Maisie Goes to Renotrue- Lady with Reno Bus Ticket (Uncredited) The Boston Stranglertrue- Emma Hodak The Over the Hill Gangtrue- Mrs. Fletcher The Symphony Murder Mysterytrue- Concert-Goer (uncredited) Night and Daytrue- Woman in Hospital Hall (uncredited) Profile Images
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