Spartaco Conversi
Spartaco Conversi
Top Movie Cast
If One Is Born a Swinetrue- Old Sam Once Upon a Time in the Westtrue- Frank's Gunman (uncredited) A Minute to Pray, a Second to Dietrue- Kraut henchman Seven Dollars on Redtrue- Bill 20,000 Dollars on 7true- Steel Sartana's Here... Trade Your Pistol for a Coffintrue- Emiliano Charity and the Strange Smell of Moneytrue Three Bullets for Ringotrue- Tom Quintana: Dead or Alivetrue- Rodrigo Fighters from Ave Mariatrue- Father The Great Silencetrue- Walter A Bullet for the Generaltrue- Eufemio Django, Prepare a Coffintrue- Member of Django's Gang A Long Ride from Helltrue- Bobcat Bates Django Kills Softlytrue- Miguel Halleluja to Vera Cruztrue Death at Owell Rocktrue- Bud Ivanhoe, the Norman Swordsmantrue- Keats Man of the Easttrue- Austin Henchman The Devil's Lovertrue- Johan Cry of Deathtrue- Sheriff Brown Left Handed Johnny Westtrue- Jeff Where Are You Taking That Womantrue- Gangster #4 (Rome segment) (uncredited) Seven Guns for Timothytrue- Brett Colton Many Wars Ago...true- Lieutenant I'll Sell My Skin Dearlytrue- Benson Top Movie Crew
Days of LovetrueProduction
A Husband for AnnatrueProduction
Woman of the RivertrueProduction
Siege of SyracusetrueProduction
Non perdiamo la testatrueProduction
The BachelortrueProduction
The Minotaur, the Wild Beast of CretetrueProduction
The BrigandtrueProduction
Carmen di TrasteveretrueProduction
Goliath and the BarbarianstrueProduction
Hercules, Samson & UlyssestrueProduction
Hercules UnchainedtrueProduction
The MongolstrueProduction
La ragazza di Via VenetotrueProduction