Rosa Gore
Rosa Gore
Top Movie Cast
La La Lucilletrue- Mrs. Brady Coloradotrue- Salla Morgan The Mistress of Shenstonetrue- Amelia Murgatroyd Madonna of the Streetstrue- Mrs. Elyard Look Out Belowtrue- Dippy Mary A Trick of Heartstrue- Sheriff Carrie Patience Pink Tightstrue- Mrs. Shamfeller The Prairie Kingtrue- Aunt Hattie The Laurel-Hardy Murder Casetrue- Old Relative (uncredited) His Jonah Daytrue- The Girl's Maiden Aunt Seven Chancestrue- Prospective Bride at Church (uncredited) That's My Daddytrue- Mrs. Hawkes His Home Sweet Hometrue- The Mother-in-Law Shrimps for a Daytrue- Mrs. Crutch Hold Your Breathtrue- Customer The Million Dollar Handicaptrue- Marilda Porter Once to Every Womantrue- Mrs. Chichester Jones Cruel and Unusualtrue- Dippy Mary Hold Fast!true- Dippy Mary Blue Skiestrue- Nellie Crouch (episode 2) Vagabond Ladytrue- Woman Given Opera Ticket (uncredited) The Adorable Deceivertrue- Mrs. Schrapp