Davison Clark
Davison Clark
Top Movie Cast
The Scarlet Empresstrue- Archimandrite Simeon Todorsky / Arch-Episcope Reap the Wild Windtrue- Judge Marvin I Loved a Womantrue- Doctor (uncredited) The Mouthpiecetrue- Detective Arresting Garland (Uncredited) Hard to Handletrue- Federal Man #2 (uncredited) Fighting Frontiertrue- Judge Ben Halvorsen The Vice Squadtrue- Doctor Born to Be Wildtrue- Stranger The Mighty Barnumtrue- Horace Greeley Scandal Sheettrue- Reporter Here Comes Cartertrue- Detective Jackson Secret Service of the Airtrue- Deputy Warden Oklahoma Terrortrue- Cartwright Devil's Islandtrue- Captain of Gendarmes She Loves Me Nottrue- Detective Come on Dangertrue- Ranger Captain Blake The Goose and the Gandertrue- Detective at Train Station (uncredited) The Story of Alexander Graham Belltrue- Court Attendant at Door Boulder Damtrue- Sheriff #2 (uncredited) Union Pacifictrue- Doctor (uncredited) We Live Againtrue- Tikhon Mr. Smith Goes to Washingtontrue- Committeeman (uncredited) Heroes in Bluetrue- Police Official Sergeant Maddentrue- Police Sergeant The Housekeeper's Daughtertrue- Policeman Mysterious Doctor Satantrue- Police Lieutenant Law of the Northwesttrue- Tom Clayton Four Faces Westtrue- Burnett Duck Souptrue- Minister of Finance #2 (uncredited) Shoot to Killtrue- Political Speaker (uncredited) Murder with Picturestrue- Overholt (uncredited) Rogues' Gallerytrue- John Foster Six-Gun Goldtrue- Robinson The Sea of Grasstrue- Cattleman (uncredited) Death Valley Manhunttrue- Tex Benson The Ranger and the Ladytrue- Sam Houston Brigham Youngtrue- Johnson This Is My Affairtrue- Tim This Is the Nighttrue- Studio Official (uncredited) The Return of Frank Jamestrue- Officer Three Men from Texastrue- Thompson North West Mounted Policetrue- Surgeon Roberts Love Is Newstrue- Print Shop Foreman (uncredited) Jailbreaktrue- Police Sergeant Jezebeltrue- Deputy Sheriff (uncredited) Gentleman Jimtrue- Auctioneer (uncredited) Back in Circulationtrue- Court Clerk (uncredited) Bitter Sweettrue- Casino Attendant (uncredited) Toppertrue- Police Sergeant (uncredited) Hotel Imperialtrue- Irate Officer (uncredited) The Avenging Ridertrue- W.J. Grayson (as Davison Clarke) Cowboy in the Cloudstrue- Amos Fowler Prairie Pioneerstrue- Don Carlos Montoya Down Rio Grande Waytrue- Colonel Elihu Baldridge Riding Through Nevadatrue- Bob Holloway Hail to the Rangerstrue- Maj. Montgomery Trigger Trailtrue- Silas Farrel The Road to Renotrue- Judge Mack Dinkytrue- Police Desk Sergeant Wild Bill Hickok Ridestrue- Heber Incendiary Blondetrue- Speakeasy Patron (uncredited) Ten Gentlemen from West Pointtrue- Senator (uncredited) Belle Starrtrue- Bartender (uncredited) The Go-Gettertrue- Ship Captain Tuttle (uncredited) The Buccaneertrue- Colonel Butler Samson and Delilahtrue- Merchant Prince Torch Singertrue- Mr. Seymour The Greatest Show on Earthtrue- Sam, game customer Red Rivertrue- Mr. Meeker (uncredited) Unconqueredtrue- Mr. Carroll of Virginia The Great Hospital Mysterytrue- Policeman Central Parktrue- Policeman Eddie (uncredited) Bullet Scarstrue- Sheriff Downs Come Out Fightingtrue- Officer McGowan Gangs of the Waterfronttrue- Dr. Martin Les Misérablestrue- Marcin Ladies They Talk Abouttrue- Jail Chief (uncredited)