Marga Barbu
Marga Barbu
Top Movie Cast
William the Conquerortrue- Arlette de Falaise The Last Bullettrue- Doamna Semaca The Mysteries of Bucharesttrue- Strigoaia / Agatha Slatineanu The Bone Srewn Roadtrue- Agata Slatineanu The Revenge of the Outlawstrue- Hangița Anița The Outlawstrue- Hangița Anita The Outlaws of Sevenhorsestrue- Anița Yellow Rosetrue- Agatha Slătineanu Săptămâna nebunilortrue- Aniţa The Dowry of Lady Ralutrue- Aniţa The Silver Masktrue- Agatha Slătineanu Poor Ioanidetrue- Angela Valsamaky-Farfara Melodii, melodiitrue- Responsabil florarie The Turquoise Necklacetrue- Agatha Slătineanu Missing Witnessestrue- Zulnia The Prodigal Fathertrue- Catinca Everything is Paidtrue- Agata Slătineanu The Kidnapping of the Maidenstrue- Anița The Man We Needtrue- Mrs. Șerpescu Love Begins on Fridaytrue- Lia Eagle 101true- Laura Săndulescu Nepoţii gornistuluitrue- Simina Profile Images
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