Mircea Albulescu
Mircea Albulescu
Top Movie Cast
William the Conquerortrue The Actress, the Dollars and the Transylvanianstrue The Job of the Ferrettrue- Le parrain Flames Over Treasurestrue- Iosif Rodean Earth's Most Beloved Sontrue- inmate "the Greek" Uncle Marin, the Billionairetrue- banditul care a răpit fata Beyond the Bridgetrue- Butcher Huber The Son of the Starstrue- (voice) Mercenaries' Traptrue- Captain Luca Somnul insuleitrue- Profesorul Fontaine At the End of the Linetrue- Crișan The Last Assaulttrue- tatal lui Horia Lazăr For Motherlandtrue- Col. Mihail Cerchez The Actor and the Savagestrue- Ionel Fridman Youth Without Youthtrue- Davidoglu Michael, the Dog That Sangtrue Sword Swallowertrue- Mihai Gherlaş Tufă de Venețiatrue- Redactorul șef Beyond the Sandstrue- Che Andrei The Sign of the Serpenttrue- Bâșcu Barieratrue- Inspector de la Siguranta The nest of waspstrue- Omul necăjit Alarm in the Mountainstrue Michael the Bravetrue- Popa Stoica The Cyclists Are Comingtrue- Andrei The Prodigal Fathertrue- Cornel The Idle Princes of the Old Courttrue- Pașadia Măgureanu Operation 'The Bus'true- Securitate Colonel Popa Everything is Paidtrue- Kiriazi The Power and The Truthtrue- Pavel Stoian Three Secret Letterstrue- Paul Obreja Special Editiontrue- Dinescu The Man in the Overcoattrue- Col. Panait The Last Night of Lonelinesstrue Dangerous Turntrue- Mihai Androne The Investigationtrue- Vlad Arms of Afroditetrue- Eng. Popescu Uncertain Roadstrue- Octavian Borcea Tragic Vacationtrue- Vacamar The Canary and the Blizzardtrue- The Lawyer Captain's Ion Arrowtrue- Xalom Dragostea și revoluțiatrue- Anghel Albu Horeatrue- Xaverius vaida Too Little for Such a Big Wartrue The Anniversarytrue- Radu Maligan