Rita Corday
Rita Corday
Top Movie Cast
The Body Snatchertrue- Mrs. Marsh The Black Castletrue- Countess Elga von Bruno The Falcon in Hollywoodtrue- Lili D'Allio The Falcon Strikes Backtrue- Mia Bruger The Sword of Monte Cristotrue- Lady Christianne The Falcon and the Co-Edstrue- Marguerita Serena The Falcon's Alibitrue- Joan Meredith The Falcon in San Franciscotrue- Joan Marshall Dick Tracy vs. Cueballtrue- Mona Clyde, Sparkle's Secretary The French Linetrue- Celeste Too Young to Kisstrue- Denise Dorcet West of the Pecostrue- Suzanne, Rill's French Maid Because You're Minetrue- Francesca Landers You for Metrue- Lucille Brown The Truth About Murdertrue- Peggy The Adventures of a Rookietrue- Ruth Government Girltrue- Girl in Hotel Lobby (uncredited) Mr. Luckytrue- Girl (uncredited) Profile Images
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