Gene Deitch
Gene Deitch
Top Movie Cast
Adela Has Not Had Supper Yettrue- Larry Matejka (voice) I Remember Nudniktrue- Narrator Nudnik's Nudnickeltrue- Bus Driver The Three Robberstrue- Narrator Top Movie Crew
Weight for MetrueDirecting
Switchin' KittentrueWriting
The SwineherdtrueDirecting
In The Night KitchentrueDirecting
J. R. R. Tolkien's The HobbittrueDirecting
J. R. R. Tolkien's The HobbittrueWriting
Down and OutingtrueDirecting
It's Greek to Me-ow!trueDirecting
Mouse Into SpacetrueDirecting
Landing StriplingtrueDirecting
Tall in the TraptrueDirecting
Sorry SafaritrueDirecting
Buddies Thicker Than WatertrueDirecting
Carmen Get It!trueDirecting
Alice of Wonderland in ParistrueDirecting
Switchin' KittentrueDirecting
Sidney's Family TreetrueDirecting
It's a LivingtrueDirecting
I Lost My BeartrueDirecting
Teeny-Tiny and the Witch WomantrueDirecting
Where the Wild Things AretrueDirecting
Where the Wild Things AretrueEditing
Where the Wild Things AretrueWriting
Max et les Maximonstres et autres histoirestrueDirecting
Drive on, Nudnik!trueDirecting
Drive on, Nudnik!trueWriting
Drive on, Nudnik!trueCrew
I Remember NudniktrueDirecting
I Remember NudniktrueWriting
I Remember NudniktrueCrew
Nudnik's NudnickeltrueDirecting
Nudnik's NudnickeltrueCrew
Good Neighbor NudniktrueDirecting
Good Neighbor NudniktrueCrew
Nudnik On The BeachtrueDirecting
Nudnik On The BeachtrueCrew
Who Needs Nudnik??trueCrew
Who Needs Nudnik??trueDirecting
From Nudnik With LovetrueCrew
Nudnik On The RooftrueDirecting
Nudnik On The RooftrueCrew
Welcome NudniktrueDirecting
Home Sweet NudniktrueDirecting
Home Sweet NudniktrueCrew
Nudnik On A ShoestringtrueDirecting
Shove Thy NeighbortrueDirecting
Clint Clobber's CattrueDirecting
The Juggler of Our LadytrueDirecting
Howdy Doody and His Magic HattrueDirecting
Springtime for ClobbertrueDirecting
Bark, GeorgetrueDirecting
Emily's First 100 Days of SchooltrueWriting
The Foolish FrogtrueDirecting
Foofle's Train RidetrueDirecting
How to Live with a Neurotic DogtrueDirecting
The Tom and Jerry Cartoon KittrueDirecting
Diary of a WormtrueDirecting
Diary of a SpidertrueDirecting
The Happy OwlstrueDirecting
Drummer HofftrueDirecting
Voyage to the Bunny PlanettrueDirecting
Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's EarstrueWriting
Diary of a FlytrueDirecting
Changes, ChangestrueDirecting
Tall in the TraptrueWriting
Carmen Get It!trueWriting
Wings for Roger WindsocktrueDirecting
Alice of Wonderland in ParistrueWriting
Sylvester and the Magic PebbletrueDirecting
Sylvester and the Magic PebbletrueWriting
Goldilocks and the Three BearstrueWriting
Harold's Fairy TaletrueDirecting
A Picture For Harold's RoomtrueDirecting
A Story-A StorytrueDirecting
Zlateh the GoattrueDirecting
The Beast of Monsieur RacinetrueDirecting
The Beast of Monsieur RacinetrueArt
The Three RobberstrueDirecting
Rosie's WalktrueDirecting
Wings: A Tale of Two ChickenstrueDirecting
Emily's First 100 Days of SchooltrueDirecting
Another Day, Another DoormattrueDirecting
The Emperor's New ClothestrueDirecting
The Pigs' WeddingtrueDirecting
The Pigs' WeddingtrueWriting
Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's EarstrueDirecting
Smile for AuntietrueDirecting
Charlie Needs a CloaktrueDirecting
Wings: A Tale of Two ChickenstrueWriting
Seeing DoubletrueDirecting
Nudnik ImpossibletrueDirecting
Nudnik ImpossibletrueCrew
Teeny-Tiny and the Witch WomantrueCrew
The Happy OwlstrueWriting
Zlateh the GoattrueWriting
The Foolish FrogtrueWriting
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