Luc Morissette
Luc Morissette
Top Movie Cast
To Catch a Killertrue- Old Timer Laurentiatrue- Louis's father Meetings with a Young Poettrue- Old man (Vladimir) Mesnaktrue- Jean-Marie Fontaine The Human Staintrue- Street Photographer Nelligantrue- David Nelligan The Other Side of Novembertrue- Vieux monsieur The Call of the Wild: Dog of the Yukontrue- M. Perrault Best Sellerstrue- Joseph Stanbridge Looking for Alexandertrue- Gros-Pierre And the Birds Rained Downtrue- Romain Henri Henritrue- Père d'Henri vieux L'automne sauvagetrue- Paul Taillefer The Timekeepertrue- Bullcook