Aljoša Vučković
Aljoša Vučković
Top Movie Cast
The Visit of the Old Ladytrue- Fotograf One Hell of an Actortrue- Himself Falling in the Paradisetrue- Taksista (voice) Sixth Geartrue- Slavko Raspopović Hi, Inspectortrue- Komandir The Battle of the Eaglestrue- Boris Hitler from Our Streettrue- Vinko sa Korčule Devil's Islandtrue- Marin The Professionaltrue- Kelner I Believe in Angelstrue- Načelnik The Written Off Returntrue- Major Gašpar The Train for Kraljevotrue- Johan The Republic of Užicetrue- Luka Arandjel's Predicamenttrue- Aranđel Petrović Step by Steptrue- Šarmantni gospodin Daredevil Timestrue- Hajduk II The State of the Deadtrue- Potpukovnik Born to Be a Warriortrue- Vlasnik bara Gadgettrue- Psihoanalitičar / Stomatolog Bishop vs. Rooktrue- Zavodnik Better Lifetrue- Dr. Ivo Lukšić