Charles Richman
Charles Richman
Top Movie Cast
The Adventures of Tom Sawyertrue- Judge Thatcher Dark Victorytrue- Colonel Mantle The Glass Keytrue- Senator John T. Henry Becky Sharptrue- Gen. Tufto The Ex-Mrs. Bradfordtrue- Mr. Curtis (uncredited) The Secret Kingdomtrue- Prince Philip / Phil Barr His Double Lifetrue- Witt Biography of a Bachelor Girltrue- Mr. Orrin Kinnicott The Dawn of Freedomtrue- Richard Cartwright The Hero of Submarine D-2true- Lt. Commander Colton Lady Behave!true- Howells The Cowboy and the Ladytrue- Dillon My Marriagetrue- H.J. Barton The Battle Cry of Peacetrue- John Harrison The Struggletrue- Mr. Craig The Hidden Truthtrue- Charles Taylor The President Vanishestrue- Corcoran Strike Me Pinktrue- Professor (uncredited) Champagne Charlietrue- Avory Devil's Islandtrue- Governor Beaufort In Old Kentuckytrue- Pole Shattuck My Friend the Deviltrue- George Dryden After Office Hourstrue- Jordan Holidaytrue- Thayer (uncredited) Torchy Runs for Mayortrue- Mayor John Saunders Parole!true- John 'Jack' Driscoll Don't Turn 'em Loosetrue- Paul - the Governor The College Herotrue- The Dean The Case of the Curious Bridetrue- C. Phillip Montaine The Sign on the Doortrue- 'Lafe' Regan The Man From Hometrue- Daniel Voorhees Pike Under Your Spelltrue- Uncle Bob Blondes at Worktrue- Judge Wilson Curtaintrue- Dick Cunningham Harriet and the Pipertrue- Richard Carter The Life of Emile Zolatrue- M. Delagorgue Over Theretrue- Montgomery Jackson The Echo of Youthtrue- Peter Graham The More Excellent Waytrue- John Warburton Woman Haterstrue- Woman Hater (uncredited)