Britta Smith
Britta Smith
Top Movie Cast
Children in the Crossfiretrue Talk of Angelstrue- Duggan Men of the Monthtrue- Roisin The Magdalene Sisterstrue- Katy Moll Flanderstrue- Artist's Mother Breakfast on Plutotrue- Mrs. Clarke In the Name of the Fathertrue- Annie Maguire My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Browntrue- Nurse The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Love's Sweet Songtrue- Bridget The Summer Housetrue- Mother Joseph Hear My Songtrue- Kitty Ryan The Returntrue- Prison Governor Circle of Friendstrue- Mrs Hogan Shadow of a Gunmantrue- Mrs. Henderson The Snappertrue- Woman in Police Station The Country Girlstrue- Lil Trojan Eddietrue- Lady Cash