Hay Plumb
Hay Plumb
Top Movie Cast
Car of Dreamstrue- Chauffeur Things Are Looking Uptrue- Tennis Umpire The Midshipmaidtrue- Sailor Strange Boarderstrue- uncredited Tilly the Tomboy Visits the Poortrue Cheer Boys Cheertrue- Greenleaf Employee Let's Be Famoustrue- Stage Manager Are We Down-Hearted?true- Singer A Seaside Introductiontrue- The Dude Top Movie Crew
Lieutenant Lilly and the Splodge of OpiumtrueDirecting
How Things Do DeveloptrueDirecting
Tilly in a Boarding HousetrueDirecting
Was He a German Spy?trueDirecting
The Magic GlasstrueDirecting
An Engagement of ConveniencetrueDirecting