Fernando Osés
Fernando Osés
Top Movie Cast
Santo vs. the Vampire Womentrue- Igor Neutron Battles the Karate Assassinstrue Los Endemoniados del Ringtrue Blue Demon vs. the Infernal Brainstrue La Lucha Invade el Cine Mexicanotrue- La Sombra Vengadora The Witches Attacktrue- Henchman Asesinos de la lucha libretrue Suicide Missiontrue- Esbirro de Sebastián Santo in the Hotel of Deathtrue- Cocinero Santo vs. the King of Crimetrue The Beasts of Terrortrue- Santos El Misterio de Huracán Ramíreztrue- Esbirro del principe Blue Demon vs. the Satanic Powertrue Blue Demon: Destructor of Spiestrue- Minion (uncredited) The Champions of Justicetrue- La Sombra Vengadora (as Sombra Vengadora) The Diabolical Axetrue- Encapuchado Negro Santo vs. Infernal Mentrue Santo and the Golden Eagletrue- Secuaz El tesoro de Pancho Villatrue El Secreto De Pancho Villatrue- La Sombra Vengadora The Shadow of the Battrue The Empire of Draculatrue- Igor The Head of Pancho Villatrue Santo vs. the Kidnapperstrue- Carlos Santo vs. the Vice Mafiatrue- Sergio Baron Brakolatrue- Baron Brákola Santo vs. Evil Braintrue- El Incognito Santo in the Mystery of the Black Pearltrue- Diamond Buyer Hellish Spiderstrue- Príncipe Arac / Ocram San Juan de Dios es Jaliscotrue- Esbirro de Tony (uncredited) The Clutching Handtrue- Luchador Santo vs. Black Magic Womantrue- Foreign Agent Santo Faces Deathtrue- Assassin Madame Deathtrue- Lt. Henry (uncredited) Santo in the Wax Museumtrue- Henchman The Grave Robberstrue- Henchman Santo vs. the Stranglertrue- Wrestler (uncredited) The Vengeance of the Vampire Womentrue- Henchman Blue Demon vs. the Diabolical Womentrue Blue Demontrue- El Sanguinario Santo vs. the Zombiestrue- Dorrell López The Headless Ridertrue- Sect Member Emilio Varela vs Camelia la Texanatrue Programado para morirtrue Johnny Chicanotrue- Mr. Williamson La sombra vengadoratrue- La Sombra The Magnificent Beasttrue- Luchador Top Movie Crew
Blue Demon vs. the Infernal BrainstrueWriting
The Vengeance of the Vampire WomentrueWriting
El fuego de mi ahijadatrueWriting
The Beasts of TerrortrueProduction
Santo vs. Black Magic WomantrueWriting
Pistoleros asesinostrueWriting
The Beasts of TerrortrueWriting
The Diabolical AxetrueWriting
Santo in the Hotel of DeathtrueWriting
Santo vs. Evil BraintrueWriting
Hermelinda LindatrueProduction
Blue Demon vs. the Satanic PowertrueWriting
Movidas ChuecastrueWriting
Santo vs. the KidnapperstrueWriting
The Head of Pancho VillatrueProduction
Santo vs. the Vampire WomentrueWriting
Santo vs. the ZombiestrueWriting
Suicide MissiontrueWriting
Blue Demon vs. the Diabolical WomentrueWriting
Las LimpiastrueProduction
Gente violentatrueDirecting
Santo vs. Frankenstein's DaughtertrueWriting
Santo vs. Frankenstein's DaughtertrueWriting
Santo vs. the Diabolical BraintrueWriting
San Juan de Dios es JaliscotrueProduction
Return of the MonstertrueWriting
The Headless RidertrueProduction
Return of the MonstertrueProduction
Santo vs. the King of CrimetrueWriting