Ennio Balbo
Ennio Balbo
Top Movie Cast
Anna: the Pleasure, the Tormenttrue- Frossi Terror-Creatures from the Gravetrue- Oscar Stinnel Day of Angertrue- Turner, Banker The Police Commissionertrue Ninì Tirabusciò: The Woman Who Invented the Movetrue- Il generale Seven Golden Men Strike Againtrue- Police Chief Seven Golden Mentrue- Police Chief Catherine of Russiatrue- conte Panin Giacomo Casanova: Childhood and Adolescencetrue- Mocenigo Pinocchiotrue- Alidoro (voce) Sardinia Kidnappedtrue- Marras The Black Sheeptrue- Suocero di Agasti Star Odysseytrue- Professor Mauri How to Kill a Judgetrue- Il giudice istruttore The Night of the Assassintrue- Chief of Police Il fidanzamentotrue- Monsignor Solinas Django the Bastardtrue- Storekeeper Street Peopletrue- Continenza Casanova '70true- il giudice The Day of the Owltrue- Mobster #1 at Banquet The Left Hand of the Lawtrue- industriale Lombardi The Great Kidnappingtrue- Prefetto From the Orient with Furytrue- Professor Franz Kurtz The Man with the Balloonstrue Pardon, Are You for or Against?true Kolossal - The Magnificent Macistitrue- Theodoto (archive footage) The Possessedtrue- Coroner Every Man Is My Enemytrue- (as William Bosh) Kiss the Other Sheiktrue- Brother of Mohamed (segment "L'uomo dei 5 palloni") A Queen for Caesartrue- Theodotus La sconfitta di Trotskytrue- Lenin Profile Images
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