Tana Mascarelli
Tana Mascarelli
Top Movie Cast
Kozaratrue- Marinkova majka Train without a Timetabletrue- Jolina žena Cervantes from the Small Towntrue- Anđina mati Boom Towntrue- Jovicina majka The Eyetrue- Barišina mati The Ravinetrue- First Old Woman And Forgive Our Trespassestrue The Keytrue- Amalija Jurak, bolesna starica A Nun and a Commissartrue- Sestra nastojnica Man of the Worldtrue- Šjora Luce, žena s magarcem Mad Summertrue- Šjora Marija From One Friday to the Nexttrue 1st Split Detachmenttrue- Starica koja pravi sir Ninth Miracle on the Easttrue- Gazdarica Fliers of the Open Skiestrue- Baka koja ne da kozu Passion According to Matthewtrue- Majka