Edward de Souza
Edward de Souza
Top Movie Cast
The Phantom of the Operatrue- Harry Hunter The Kiss of the Vampiretrue- Gerald Harcourt Jules Verne's Rocket to the Moontrue- Henri A Question of Attributiontrue- Collins The Count of Monte Cristotrue- Maximilian Morrel Doctor Who: Mission to the Unknowntrue- Marc Cory The Spy Who Loved Metrue- Sheik Hosein On a Paving Stone Mountedtrue The End of Arthur's Marriagetrue- Mr. Thurloe Mr. Turnertrue- Thomas Stothard Amicus Vault of Horrorstrue- Dr. Schreck Grave Talestrue- Mr. Petersen The Thirty Nine Stepstrue- Woodville Thatcher: The Final Daystrue- John Wakeham Legend of Hammer: Vampirestrue- Narrator The Golden Compasstrue- Second High Councilor The Golden Ladytrue- Yorgo Praxis One Foot in the Algarvetrue- Afonso Home Before Midnighttrue- Mr. Archer The Return of the Soldiertrue- Edward de Souza Spell of Eviltrue- Tony Mansell Profile Images
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