Martha Rosler
Martha Rosler
Top Movie Cast
Vital Statistics of a Citizen, Simply Obtainedtrue- Subject Born to be Sold: Martha Rosler Reads the Strange Case of Baby $/Mtrue Semiotics of the Kitchentrue- Chef Martha Rosler Reads "Vogue"true Martha Rosler: An Interviewtrue- Self Top Movie Crew
Semiotics of the KitchentrueDirecting
A Budding GourmettrueDirecting
Backyard Economy 1trueDirecting
Flower FieldstrueDirecting
Backyard Economy 2 (Diane Germain Mowing)trueDirecting
Vital Statistics of a Citizen, Simply ObtainedtrueDirecting
Chile on the Road to NAFTA, Accompanied by the National Police BandtrueDirecting
Martha Rosler Reads "Vogue"trueDirecting
Born to be Sold: Martha Rosler Reads the Strange Case of Baby $/MtrueDirecting
Semiotics of the KitchentrueWriting
Semiotics of the Kitchen: An AuditiontrueDirecting
Museums will eat your lunchtrueDirecting
How Do We Know What Home Looks Like? The Unité d’Habitation of Le Corbusier at Firminy, FrancetrueDirecting
Prototype (God Bless America)trueDirecting
Because This Is BritaintrueDirecting
The East Is Red, The West Is BendingtrueDirecting
Seattle: Hidden HistoriestrueDirecting