Boris Livanov
Boris Livanov
Top Movie Cast
October (Ten Days that Shook the World)true- Minister Terestsenko Degree of Risktrue- Sedov The Battle of Stalingradtrue- Lt. Gen. Rokossovsky Admiral Ushakovtrue- Князь Потёмкин Morozkotrue- Moroz/Father Frost (husband) The Lost Lettertrue- dnieper cossack (voice) Minin and Pozharskytrue- Knyaz Pozharsky The Blind Musiciantrue- Maxim Yatsenko The Great Glinkatrue- Czar Nicholas I Poem of the Seatrue- General Ignat Fyodorchenko Cruiser 'Varyag'true- Rudnev, Commander of the Cruiser the 'Varangian' On the Evetrue- Nikolaj Stakhov The Fall of Berlintrue- Gen. Rokossovsky Light over Russiatrue- Mayakovskiy Guilty Without Guilttrue- Grigoriy Lvovich Murov The Kremlin Chimestrue- Anton Ivanovich Zabelin Гибель эскадрыtrue- Гранатов The Private Life of Pyotr Vinogradovtrue Now Judge...true- Богутовский Captain of the First Ranktrue- Nikolay Lezvin - kapitan 1 ranga Балтийцыtrue- комиссар Вихориев Sinbad the Sailortrue- Genie / Captain from the East (voice) Анненковщинаtrue- Annenkov