Ethan Laidlaw
Ethan Laidlaw
Top Movie Cast
The Lost Tribetrue- Henchman (uncredited) The Cowboy and the Ladytrue- Man in Rodeo Stands (uncredited) The Far Countrytrue- Miner (uncredited) The Big Diamond Robberytrue- Chick Laughing at Deathtrue- Karl Stronberg Rainbow Riderstrue- Haley Davis Born to Battletrue- Trube The Silent Ridertrue- Red Wender Thunderbolt's Trackstrue- Buck Moulton Born to Be Wildtrue- Henchman (uncredited) The Big Killingtrue- Third Beagle Son The Hunchback of Notre Dametrue- (uncredited) The Nevadantrue- Hotel Guest (uncredited) Pardnerstrue- Townsman (uncredited) The Violent Mentrue- Gunman (uncredited) Broken Lancetrue- Mac Andrews Henchman (uncredited) Calamity Janetrue- Barfly (uncredited) Thunder Over the Plainstrue- Townsman (uncredited) Come and Get Ittrue- Lumberjack (uncredited) Saratoga Trunktrue- Cowboy (uncredited) The Night of Nightstrue- Roustabout in Play (uncredited) The Toast of New Yorktrue- Sheriff's Deputy (uncredited) Shootout at Big Sagtrue- Bartender (uncredited) In Old Amarillotrue- Henchman (uncredited) Bad Men of the Bordertrue- Gus Rough Ridin' Redtrue- Cal Rogers Dangerous Traffictrue- Foxy Jim Stone Pirate Treasuretrue- Curt The Desperadoestrue- Cass Rhythm of the Saddletrue- Tex Robinson The Game That Killstrue- Cab Driver Frenchietrue- Townsman (uncredited) The Tip-Offtrue- Henchman Saddle the Windtrue- Barfly (uncredited) Girls of the Roadtrue- Brakeman (Uncredited) Special Investigatortrue- Larring The Experttrue- Policeman Racket Busterstrue- Martin's Henchman (uncredited) Dick Tracy's G-Mentrue- Pete Yellow Dusttrue- Henchman Bogan Station Westtrue- Townsman (uncredited) Two in Revolttrue- Bill Donlan Mummy's Boystrue- Peters - a Sailor The Outlawtrue- Deputy (uncredited) Jesse Jamestrue- Barshee's Henchman (uncredited) Two-Fisted Sherifftrue- Henchman Burke The Night Riderstrue- Andrews Union Pacifictrue- Irishman (uncredited) The Return of the Cisco Kidtrue- Luke Lucky Nighttrue- Bouncer in Dusty's (uncredited) Three Texas Steerstrue- Henchman Morgan Allegheny Uprisingtrue- One of Jim's Black Boys They Shall Have Musictrue- Film Delivery Man (uncredited) Frontier Marshaltrue- Tough Broadway Thru a Keyholetrue- Member of Rocci's Mob Gordon of Ghost Citytrue- Henchman Pete Stage to Chinotrue- Wheeler Blackmailtrue- Oil Worker (uncredited) Dust Be My Destinytrue- Cop in Montage (uncredited) Bend of the Rivertrue- Barfly (uncredited) Army Dazetrue- Spy (uncredited) Spies and Guystrue- Enemy Soldier (uncredited) Mr. Noisytrue- Ballplayer in Hotel Room (uncredited) Paradise Islandtrue- Rowdy Sailor Lucky Cisco Kidtrue- Henchman The Gay Caballerotrue- Henchman Belle of the Yukontrue- Townsman (uncredited) Western Caravanstrue- Henchman Scanlon To Kill a Mockingbirdtrue- Townsman (uncredited) The Green Hornet Strikes Again!true- Jenkins, aka Jennings High Tensiontrue- Winch Operator Stagecoach Expresstrue- Henchman Lou Riders of Death Valleytrue- Henchman Rusty The Killerstrue- Train Conductor (uncredited) Winchester '73true- Stationmaster (uncredited) The Man Who Shot Liberty Valancetrue- Party Member at Convention (uncredited) Law and Ordertrue- Kurt Daggett Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairietrue- Outlaw The Lady from Cheyennetrue- Saloon Waiter When the Daltons Rodetrue- Rigby Henchman Dark Commandtrue- Guerrilla Virginia Citytrue- Union Soldier (uncredited) Wagon Traintrue- Henchman Pat Hays The Woman I Stoletrue- Lentz's Henchman Riders of the Badlandstrue- Henchman Bill Silly Billiestrue- Trigger North West Mounted Policetrue- Constable Adams The Arizoniantrue- Henchman in Saloon Captain Cautiontrue- Prisoner in Brig The Marines Fly Hightrue- Barnes Mr. Skeffingtontrue- Cop (uncredited) An Angel from Texastrue- Davis Henchman Tailspin Tommy in The Great Air Mysterytrue- Henchman Junior G-Mentrue- Watchman (uncredited) To the Last Mantrue- Colby Man (uncredited) Cimarrontrue- (uncredited) Beyond Victorytrue- Soldier in Prelude Cowboys from Texastrue- Duke Plummer Tim Tyler's Lucktrue- Patrol Guard Rocky I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Nowtrue- Soldier in Show (uncredited) Captain Hurricanetrue- Man on Freighter Juvenile Courttrue- Police Car Driver (uncredited) Hotel Imperialtrue- Sentry (uncredited) Fugitive from Sonoratrue- Hack Roberts The Lone Star Trailtrue- Steve Bannister The Tulsa Kidtrue- Henchman Nick Carson Border Buckaroostrue- Hank Dugan The Lone Star Vigilantestrue- Corporal Benson, Henchman Riding Through Nevadatrue- Woods Law of the Rangetrue- Henchman Jeff Hobart Wide Open Towntrue- Waiter-Henchman at Jail Little Orvietrue- Man at Dog Pound (uncredited) Riders of the Purple Sagetrue- Henchman Jack Badlands of Dakotatrue- Gambler Lady from Louisianatrue- Lottery Thug (uncredited) Valley of the Suntrue- Johnson The Omaha Trailtrue- Oxen Train Bullwhacker Overland Mailtrue- Jake - Henchman Sabotage Squadtrue- Office Henchman The Great Man's Ladytrue- Man in Saloon Don Winslow of the Navytrue- Henchman Spike Phantom Trailstrue- Ben Leslie Double Alibitrue- Policeman in Cellar Hands Across the Rockiestrue- Bartender A Royal Romancetrue- Cossack Guard (uncredited) I'm from the Citytrue- Jeff, Ranch Foreman The Strangertrue- Todd, Customer in Potter's Store (uncredited) A Fugitive from Justicetrue- Policeman in First Montage (uncredited) Powdersmoke Rangetrue- Fin Sharkey Alias Nick Bealtrue- Commercial Fisherman Coney Islandtrue- Henchman Penrod's Double Troubletrue- Bus Driver (uncredited) Crack O' Dawntrue- Red Riley From This Day Forwardtrue- Worker You Only Live Oncetrue- Tommy, a Prison Guard (uncredited) The Killer That Stalked New Yorktrue- Observer on Street (uncredited) Road to Utopiatrue- Saloon Brawler (uncredited) Alias Jesse Jamestrue- James Gang Member Badman's Territorytrue- Lt. Patton (uncredited) Where Danger Livestrue- Postville Cowboy (uncredited) Bachelor Baittrue- Policeman (uncredited) The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gaptrue- Cowboy (uncredited) Luredtrue- Man in Dance Hall (uncredited) A Thousand and One Nightstrue- Merchant The Hard Mantrue- Townsman (uncredited) The Wyoming Wildcattrue- Rudy Kopp Marshal of Gunsmoketrue- Pete Larkin Magnificent Dolltrue- Sanders Invisible Stripestrue- Cop Outside Police Station (uncredited) Lightning Hutchtrue- Detective [Chs. 2-3] / Kosloff Henchman [Ch. 4 onwards] (uncredited) The Flame and the Arrowtrue- Guard (uncredited) Murders in the Zootrue- Policeman Reardon (Uncredited) Joan of Arctrue- Jean d'Aulon, Joan's squire A Lawless Streettrue- Barfly (uncredited) Californiatrue- Reb (uncredited) Son of Roaring Dantrue- Matt Gregg Union Stationtrue- Police Detective (uncredited) The Raidtrue- Townsman (uncredited) Perils of Paulinetrue- Fake Museum Watchman Laramietrue- Henchman (uncredited) Decision at Sundowntrue- Townsman Dugan of the Badlandstrue- Dan Kirk The Quiet Guntrue- Townsman (uncredited) The Doolins of Oklahomatrue- Deputy (uncredited) Four Faces Westtrue- Deputy (uncredited) Cheyennetrue- Barfly (uncredited) The Man from the Alamotrue Les Misérablestrue- Gendarme at Bishop's Home Kismettrue- Policeman (uncredited) Oklahoma!true- Cowboy at Auction (uncredited)