John Paul II.
John Paul II.
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Favela do Papatrue- Self (archive footage) Nine Days That Changed The Worldtrue- Himself I Trust in Youtrue- Himself La libertad remonta el estadiotrue- Self Nothing Comparestrue- Self (archive footage) Propagandatrue- Self (archive footage) Vedete, sono uno di voitrue- Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Fela Kuti: Music Is the Weapontrue- Self Geheimauftrag Pontifex – Der Vatikan im Kalten Kriegtrue- himself The Papal Chasetrue- Self Expectationtrue- Pope John-Paul II Banaltrue- Himself (archive footage) Tell No Onetrue- Self (archive footage) Hostage to the Deviltrue- Self (archive footage) Hesburghtrue- Self (archive footage) The Mystery of Padre Piotrue- Himself (archive footage) Being Jacques Chiractrue- Self (archive footage) John Paul II in Ireland: A Plea for Peacetrue- Self Solidarność: How Solidarity Changed Europetrue- Self (archive footage) 1979: Big Bang of the Presenttrue- Self (archive footage) Panorama - The Secret Letters of Pope John Paul IItrue- Himself (Archival Footage) Lulú de nochetrue- Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Don Stanislaotrue- Himself (archive footage) Jan Paweł II: Szukałem Was...true- Self (archive footage) Beijoqueiro: Portrait of a Serial Kissertrue Naqoyqatsitrue- Self (archive footage) (uncredited) Powaqqatsitrue- (archive footage) 21.37true- Self (archive footage) Top Movie Crew
The Jeweller's ShoptrueWriting
Our God's BrothertrueWriting