Roberto Contreras
Roberto Contreras
Top Movie Cast
Black Samuraitrue- Chavez The Professionalstrue- Bandit (uncredited) The Black Scorpiontrue- Chumacho (uncredited) Holiday for Loverstrue- Policeman Mara of the Wildernesstrue- Friday Brainstormtrue- Asylum Inmate (uncredited) Bound by Honortrue- Cruz's Grandfather The Beast of Hollow Mountaintrue- Carlos The Magnificent Seventrue- Villager (uncredited) Gold of the Seven Saintstrue- Armenderez, Gondora Gunman The Last Challengetrue- Hotelero (uncredited) The Flame Barriertrue- Village Indian Rebellion of the Hangedtrue- (uncredited) Californiatrue- Lt. Sanchez (as Roberto Contreres) The Day Time Endedtrue- Gas Station Attendant