Mariano Vidal Molina
Mariano Vidal Molina
Top Movie Cast
Curse of the Deviltrue- Roulka Challenge of McKennatrue- Ed Gray The Devil's Possessedtrue- Sillé Gentleman Killertrue- Captain Clay Reeves White Comanchetrue- General Garcia Una sombra en la oscuridadtrue- Saúl Tunka, El Guerrerotrue- Gorgo Five for Revengetrue- Alan Massacre at Fort Granttrue- Joffren Four Candles for My Colttrue- Rogers More Dollars for the MacGregorstrue- Joe Saxon El Secreto del capitán O'Haratrue- Harvey Brush Target Frankietrue- Tom Fenner Scream of the Demon Lovertrue- Inspector Robin Hood, l'invincibile arcieretrue Sexy Cattrue- Lieutenant Cole El halcón de Castillatrue- Don Galcerán de Guzman A Dragonfly for Each Corpsetrue- Police Commissioner Kill the Vulturetrue- Foster Escalofrío diabólicotrue- Alex (as Vidal Molina) The Mysterious Islandtrue- Bob Harvey The Corruption of Chris Millertrue- Ernesto Reverend's Colttrue- Billy Two Thousand Dollars for Coyotetrue- Sonora Seven Hours of Gunfiretrue- Frank North Bienvenido, Mister Kriftrue- (as Vidal Molina) The Cantabrianstrue- Salvio The Black Vampiretrue- Lange Las campanas de Teresatrue El romance de un gauchotrue Slaughter on the Khyber Passtrue- Major Castlewright Howl of the Deviltrue- Civil Guard El juramento de Lagarderetrue Carola de día, Carola de nochetrue- Mauricio Ella (Trágica obsesión)true Awkward Handstrue- Pistolero Valley of the Dancing Widowstrue- Jim Nancy Drugged Youthtrue- Inspector de policía El pecado más lindo del mundotrue Romanza final (Gayarre)true Le avventure e gli amori di Miguel Cervantestrue- Diego de Urbina (uncredited) Cry, Onion!true- Owen (uncredited) The Big Hit of Surcouftrue- André Chamblais The Sea Piratetrue- André Chamblais