Martin LaSalle
Martin LaSalle
Top Movie Cast
Romerotrue- Bishop Rivera y Damas Alucardatrue- Brother Felipe The Beestrue- Saudi Arabia - United Nations The Mansion of Madnesstrue- Julien Couvier My Mexican Shivahtrue- Isaac Fischer Sor Juana Inez de la cruztrue Hot Pursuittrue- Prisoner (as Martin Lasalle) Samson and Delilahtrue- Governor of Ekron Pilgrimtrue- Doc Anderson The Holy Inquisitiontrue- Díaz Márquez The Year of the Plaguetrue- Diplomatic Under Firetrue- Commandante Cinco Goitia: A God for Himselftrue- Padre de Goitia God's Crooked Linestrue- Dr. Dorantes / García del Olmo The Gates of Paradisetrue Death and the Compasstrue- Dr. Yarmolinsky Aquel famoso Remingtontrue The Master of Ballantraetrue- Galarza 'Ora sí ¡tenemos que ganar!true Hardcasetrue- Luis Camacho Cabo Blancotrue- Aparicio Those Yearstrue- Duque de Morey Murder in Three Actstrue- Doctor