Scott Pembroke
Scott Pembroke
Top Movie Cast
Her Dangerous Pathtrue- Dr. Harrison One Chance in a Hundredtrue- Billy Warren The Capture of Red Stanleytrue- Detective Pearson The Treasure Traintrue- Jim Spencer The Mysterious Ciphertrue- Chilton's Partner The Adventures of Robinson Crusoetrue The Bridge of Dangertrue- Bob Bates The Race for a Sidingtrue- The Detective's Assistant The Record Runtrue- Leader of the Road Agents The Trapping of 'Peeler' Whitetrue- Dick Benton The Human Telegramtrue- Superintendent Purdy A Race for a Lifetrue- The Son of the President of the Railroad To Save the Roadtrue- The Road Superintendent The Broken Braketrue- Johnson's Assistant A Plunge from the Skytrue- Dick Benton In Death's Pathwaytrue- Dick Benton The Girl Who Daredtrue- The Wireless Operator Hurled Through the Drawbridgetrue- Gordon A Race Through the Airtrue A Mystery of the Railstrue- Tom Ransom The Spiked Switchtrue- Hume - the Fireman The Engineer's Honortrue- Blake's Son The Trail of Dangertrue- 1st Conspirator The Death Swingtrue- Dick Benton Ablaze on the Railstrue- The Construction Superintendent The Secret of the Box Cartrue- Gentleman Joe At Danger's Calltrue- Bob - the Foreman With the Aid of the Wreckertrue- Gentleman Joe The Hoodoo of Division Btrue- Dick Benton - the Young Engineer The Blocked Tracktrue- Superintendent Melvin Defying Deathtrue- Dick Benton The Sidetracked Sleepertrue To Save the Specialtrue- Dick Benton A Daring Chancetrue- Dick Benton The Lost Messengertrue- Dick Benton - the Express Messenger The Gate of Deathtrue- Paymaster Benton The Lone Point Mysterytrue- Dick Benton The Runaway Sleepertrue- The Lineman The Forgotten Train Ordertrue- Dick Benton The Trial Runtrue- Arthur Lane The Lineman's Periltrue- Dick Benton - Lineman The Midnight Expresstrue- The Express Messenger A Race with Deathtrue- The Night Operator The Mogul Mountain Mysterytrue- Bert Morgan The Vanishing Box Cartrue- Dick Benton - Lineman The Adventures of Tarzantrue- Clayton The Governor's Specialtrue- Tom Arnold (as P.S.Pembroke) The Girl Who Won Outtrue- Chester Noble (as P.L. Pembroke) Top Movie Crew
The Law and the MantrueDirecting
Shanghai RosetrueDirecting
The Branded MantrueDirecting
The Lawless NinetiestrueWriting
Dr. Pyckle and Mr. PridetrueDirecting
The Medicine MantrueDirecting
Danger AheadtrueDirecting
Short OrderstrueDirecting
Kill or CuretrueDirecting
Rupert of Hee-HawtrueDirecting
Mandarin Mix-UptrueDirecting
Somewhere In WrongtrueDirecting
Navy Blue DaystrueDirecting
Telephone OperatortrueDirecting
A Light in the WindowtrueDirecting
King for a NighttrueWriting
Vamping BabiestrueDirecting
The Oregon TrailtrueDirecting
The Jazz CinderellatrueDirecting
The Jazz CinderellatrueWriting
The Jazz CinderellatrueWriting
The Divine SinnertrueDirecting
Mud and SandtrueDirecting
Okay, America!trueWriting
West of Hot DogtrueDirecting
One of the FamilytrueWriting
One of the FamilytrueDirecting
And George Did!trueDirecting
The Snow HawktrueDirecting