Soon-Tek Oh
Soon-Tek Oh
Top Movie Cast
The Man with the Golden Guntrue- Lieutenant Hip Mulantrue- Fa Zhou (voice) Death Wish 4: The Crackdowntrue- Det. Phil Nozaki Mulan IItrue- Fa Zhou (voice) Beverly Hills Ninjatrue- Sensei Missing in Action 2: The Beginningtrue- Colonel Yin Earth IItrue- Chinese Diplomat The Fantastic Seventrue- Kenny Uto Collision Coursetrue- Kitao One More Train to Robtrue- Yung Judge Dee and the Monastery Murderstrue- Kang I-Te Soursweettrue- Red Cudgel Street Corner Justicetrue- Kwong Chuck Lee Legend of the White Horsetrue- Tai-Ching Steele Justicetrue- Gen. Bon Soong Kwan The Reluctant Heroestrue- Korean Officer A Home of Our Owntrue- Mr. Munimura Red Sun Risingtrue- Yamata Cocoontrue- Wo Fat's Lab Technician Good Guys Wear Blacktrue- Mhin The President's Analysttrue- Chinese Agent (uncredited) The Final Countdowntrue- Simura Airwolf: The Movietrue- Vietnamese farmer The President's Mantrue- General Vinh Tran Pacific Overturestrue- Tamate/Samurai/Storyteller/Swordsman The Return of Charlie Chantrue- Stephen Chan Les Formidablestrue- Jong-Chae Manhunt: Search for the Night Stalkertrue- Dr. Chow Rex Harrison Presents Stories of Lovetrue- Mr. Kim Master Ninjatrue- Mr. Lika Girls of the White Orchidtrue- Hatanaka Inside 'The Man with the Golden Gun'true Cagney & Lacey: Together Againtrue- Sunny Kim Play Murderers' Rowtrue- Tempura (uncredited) T.J. Hooker - Blood Sporttrue- Ginsu Nabutsu