Kenneth MacDonald
Kenneth MacDonald
Top Movie Cast
Belle Starr's Daughtertrue- Uncle Jim Davis Rolling Down to Renotrue- Ted Crissman The Devil Commandstrue- Sheriff Ed Willis My Forbidden Pasttrue- Police Sergeant (uncredited) Fantastic Voyagetrue- Henry - Heart Monitoring (uncredited) Pardon My Terrortrue- Mr. Grooch Experiment Alcatraztrue- Col. Harris Rose of Cimarrontrue- Posse Sheriff The Power of the Whistlertrue- John Crawford The Ladies Mantrue- Papa Heebert (uncredited) Confessions of Boston Blackietrue- Caulder Safe in Helltrue- Wireless Operator (uncredited) Punchy Cowpuncherstrue- Dillon Vagabond Loaferstrue- Mr. Allen Crime on Their Handstrue- Dapper Malone Studio Stoopstrue- Dandy Dawson Corneredtrue- Henchman (uncredited) We've Never Been Lickedtrue- Captain (uncredited) Outside These Wallstrue- Hutchins (uncredited) Southwest Passagetrue- Sheriff Morgan Gunfighters of Abilenetrue- Harker Three Dark Horsestrue- William 'Bill' Wick The Little Buckarootrue- Jack Pemberton The Gun That Won the Westtrue- Colonel E.M. Still Shivering Sherlockstrue- Lefty Loomis Hula-La-Latrue- Varanu, Witch Doctor Scheming Schemerstrue- Mr. Allen Storm Over Wyomingtrue- Robert Dawson The Monster and the Apetrue- Police Inspector Hamilton Perils of the Royal Mountedtrue- Mort Ransome Mandrake the Magiciantrue- James Webster Overland with Kit Carsontrue- Winchester The Valley of Vanishing Mentrue- Jonathan Kincaid Distant Drumstrue- General's Staff Officer The Fastest Gun Alivetrue The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Bandtrue- Townsman (uncredited) The Man Who Returned to Lifetrue- Officer Fosse Pride of the Plainstrue- Dan Hurley The She-Creaturetrue- Police Doctor with Prof. Anderson That Texas Jamboreetrue- Brady The Son of Davy Crocketttrue- King Canfield Bullets for Rustlerstrue- Ed Brock Texas Stagecoachtrue- John Appleby Robin Hood of the Rangetrue- Henry Marlowe The Sword of Monte Cristotrue- Chamberlain The Wildcat of Tucsontrue- Rance McKee Two-Fisted Rangerstrue- Jack Rand The Gallant Bladetrue- Gen. de Beaufort Federal Agent at Largetrue- Captain 40 Guns to Apache Passtrue- Harry Malone The Gay Amigotrue- Captain Lewis Blunder Boystrue- Capt. F. B. Eye Hot Icetrue- Dapper Malone Of Cash and Hashtrue- Lefty Loomis Loose Loottrue- Icabod Slipp Hold That Lion!true- Icabod Slipp Below the Seatrue- Sailor (uncredited) Hands Across the Rockiestrue- Juneau Jessup Border Vengeancetrue- Flash Purdue The Caine Mutinytrue- Court-Martial Board Member (uncredited) Border Treasuretrue- Sheriff Carrigan The Mysterious Desperadotrue- Sheriff Anders The Lost Trailtrue- John Corbett The Phantomtrue- Dr. Bremmer False Paradisetrue- Nat Bentley Law of the Badlandstrue- Captain Bill McVey Hot Leadtrue- Sheriff Lacy The Durango Kidtrue- Mace Ballard Black Arrowtrue- Jake Jackson Outpost of the Mountiestrue- R.A. Kirby Spoilers of the Rangetrue- Cash Fenton Before I Hangtrue- Anson, Prison Guard Island of Doomed Mentrue- Doctor Rosener The Last Miletrue- Harris... Guard Desert of Lost Mentrue- Bill Hackett Salt Lake Raiderstrue- Deputy Marshal Tom Leadville Gunslingertrue- Sheriff Nichols Prairie Pioneerstrue- Fields (as Ken MacDonald) Riders of the Northlandtrue- Matt Taylor Marshal of Cedar Rocktrue- Sheriff Blake Trail Guidetrue- Wagon Master Wheeler Frontier Vengeancetrue- Slash The Racket Mantrue- Draft Board Medical Officer Six Gun Gospeltrue- Ace Benton Cowboy from Lonesome Rivertrue- Senator Daniel G. Proctor / Sheppard Proctor West of the Rio Grandetrue- Martin Keene Stagecoach Kidtrue- Sheriff Frontier Agenttrue- Burton Wheelock Booty and the Beasttrue- Icabod Slipp Sabotage Squadtrue- Recruiting Station Doctor Savage Frontiertrue- Marshal Bradley Arctic Flighttrue- Father François Go West, Young Ladytrue- Pony Express Rider Shot in the Frontiertrue- Bill Noonan (uncredited) Three Violent Peopletrue- Croupier Perils of the Wildernesstrue- Bart Randall (as Kenneth R. MacDonald) Slow as Lightningtrue- Jimmie March The Ten Commandmentstrue- Hebrew at Crag and Corridor / Slave Eagle Squadrontrue- Margate Dispatcher Harmon of Michigantrue- Doctor Dakota Liltrue- Fletch, Sentry (as Ken MacDonald) Mandrake the Magiciantrue- James Webster Stand By All Networkstrue- Captain Banion The Errand Boytrue- Mr. Fumble Tramp, Tramp, Tramp!true- Doctor Destroyertrue- Admiral (Clark's CO) Cadets on Paradetrue- Dr. Nesbitt The Desert Hawktrue- Akbar Back to Bataantrue- Maj. McKinley (uncredited) Silver Needle in the Skytrue- General Arpo The Taming of the Westtrue- Carp Blaisdale The Heart is a Rebeltrue- Alfred Carlson Cheyennetrue- Gambler (uncredited) The Man from the Alamotrue Cocktail Hourtrue- Ship’s Steward (uncredited) Man from God's Countrytrue- Judge (uncredited) Profile Images
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