Julia Swayne Gordon
Julia Swayne Gordon
Top Movie Cast
My Old Kentucky Hometrue- Mrs. Goodloe The Dude Wranglertrue- Dude Guest 13 Washington Squaretrue- Mrs. Allistair Twelfth Nighttrue- Olivia Gold Diggers of Broadwaytrue- Cissy Gray The Victoria Crosstrue- Florence Nightingale Women Men Marrytrue- Aunt Gertrude The Suspecttrue- Lady Armitage Road Housetrue- Mrs. Henry Grayson A Midsummer Night's Dreamtrue- Helena Lady Godivatrue- Lady Godiva Bride of the Stormtrue- Faith's Mother Napoleon and the Empress Josephinetrue- Josephine A Tale of Two Citiestrue- Miss Pross Rock of Agestrue- Madeline Miss Dulcie from Dixietrue- Aunt John Over the Toptrue- Mrs. Wagner Dumb-bells in Erminetrue- Mrs. Corey Captain Applejacktrue- Mrs. Kate Pengard Hello, Everybody!true- Mrs. Smith The Primrose Pathtrue- Mrs. Randall The Common Lawtrue- Mrs. Strangeways (uncredited) Diplomacytrue- Marquise de Zares The Message of the Mousetrue- Marcia Elmore Todaytrue- Mrs. Farrington Scaramouchetrue- The Countess de Plougastel The Smart Settrue- Mrs. Van Buren Behind Maskstrue- Madame Ena Delore The Younger Generationtrue- Mrs. Striker Arsene Lupintrue- Victoire A Child for Saletrue- Paula Harrison Playmatestrue- Mrs. McCumber - the Mother The Battle Cry of Peacetrue- Magdalen Ida's Christmastrue- Mrs. Jones Wingstrue- Mrs. Armstrong The Days of Terror; or, In the Reign of Terrortrue- Duchess Of Berac The Meeting of the Waystrue- Tom's Wife Three Week Endstrue- Mrs. Witherspoon Is Everybody Happy?true- Mrs. Molnár Misbehaving Ladiestrue- Princess Delatorre Lights of Old Broadwaytrue- Mrs. de Rhonde Children of Divorcetrue- Princess De Saxe The Juggernauttrue- Mrs. Ruskin The Girl in the Glass Cagetrue- Mrs. Pomfret Burn 'Em Up Barnestrue- Mrs. Whitney Barnes Heaven on Earthtrue- Aunt Emilie The Passionate Pilgrimtrue- Madame Watt The Battle Hymn of the Republictrue Lifting Shadowstrue- Countess Vera Lobanoff Beau Brummeltrue- The Duchess How Women Lovetrue- Mrs. Nevins You Can't Fool Your Wifetrue- Lillian Redell For the Love o' Liltrue- Mrs. Walker Not So Long Agotrue- Mrs. Ballard Heliotropetrue- Josephine Hasdock The Daring of Dianatrue- Fanchette The Eternal Womantrue- Mrs. Forbes The Soul Mastertrue- Laura Wilson A Million Bidtrue- Mrs. Belgradin Till We Meet Againtrue- Mrs. Whitney Carter The Island of Surprisetrue- Mrs. Lovell Early to Wedtrue- Mrs. Hayden Why Girls Leave Hometrue- Mrs. Wallace When the Desert Callstrue- The White Angel Shadows of the Pasttrue- Helene, His accomplice The Painted Worldtrue- Elois Murree Two Womentrue- Emily Leighton Clover's Rebelliontrue- Mrs. Childe My Lady's Slippertrue- Marie Antoinette Profile Images
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