Chad Ferrin
Chad Ferrin
Top Movie Cast
Parasitestrue- Drunk Driver (uncredited) Top Movie Crew
Devil's MoontrueProduction
Someone's Knocking at the DoortrueDirecting
Never Open the DoortrueEditing
Night CallertrueDirecting
Someone's Knocking at the DoortrueWriting
Someone's Knocking at the DoortrueWriting
Easter Bunny Kill! Kill!trueDirecting
H. P. Lovecraft's The Old OnestrueWriting
Tales from the CrappertrueDirecting
H. P. Lovecraft's The Old OnestrueDirecting
Attack in LAtrueDirecting
The Deep OnestrueDirecting
Exorcism at 60,000 FeettrueDirecting
Unspeakable: Beyond The Wall of SleeptrueDirecting
Unspeakable: Beyond The Wall of SleeptrueWriting