Bill Walker
Bill Walker
Top Movie Cast
Hush... Hush, Sweet Charlottetrue- Joseph Lydia Baileytrue- General LaPlume Our Man Flinttrue- American Diplomat The Long, Hot Summertrue- Lucius The Welltrue- Dr. Billings I Wouldn't Be in Your Shoestrue- Death Row Prisoner #4 (uncredited) The Big Knifetrue- Russell The Girl Who Had Everythingtrue- Julian Hot Spelltrue- Attendant (uncredited) A Piece of the Actiontrue- Clair Hurst The I Don't Care Girltrue- Cook 4 for Texastrue- Attendant (uncredited) Boy Who Caught a Crooktrue- Keeper The Third Daytrue- Logan, Chauffeur Killer Leopardtrue- Jonas The President's Plane Is Missingtrue- Thomas Cry of the Huntedtrue- Dock Attendant Bomba on Panther Islandtrue- Luke (uncredited) Kisses for My Presidenttrue- Joseph The Last Childtrue- Dining Car Waiter Take a Giant Steptrue- Frank The Family Secrettrue- Larry Lost in the Starstrue- Servant The View from Pompey's Headtrue- Train Porter The Day I Met Carusotrue- Porter A Man Called Petertrue- Butler Africa Screamstrue- Interpreter (uncredited) Raintree Countytrue- Old George (uncredited) Woman in Hidingtrue- Train Porter (uncredited) The Last Challengetrue- Servant / Driver (uncredited) Twilight's Last Gleamingtrue- Willard Another Part of the Foresttrue- Jacob Big Jaketrue- Moses Brown To Kill a Mockingbirdtrue- Reverend Sykes (uncredited) Ride a Crooked Trailtrue- Jackson A Kiss Before Dyingtrue- Bill, the Butler The Outcasttrue- Sam Allen The Golden Idoltrue- Nadji Wait Till the Sun Shines, Nellietrue- Robert Waverly Ferris aka Trooper The Harlem Globetrotterstrue- Prof. Turner Free For Alltrue- Herbert The Killerstrue- Sam (uncredited) Tick... Tick... Tick...true- John Sawyer I'll Cry Tomorrowtrue- Porter (uncredited) The Gambler from Natcheztrue- Rivage's Butler (uncredited) Young Man with a Horntrue- Funeral Minister Ransom for a Dead Mantrue- Crowell The Sins of Rachel Cadetrue- Townsman The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittmantrue- Elder Banks Bad Boytrue- Ollie, the Ranch Cook Lightning Strikes Twicetrue- The Nolans' Butler King of the Roaring 20's – The Story of Arnold Rothsteintrue- Bartender (uncredited) Bright Leaftrue- Simon - Singleton's Butler (uncredited) Jungle Drums of Africatrue- Chief Douanga What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?true- Deliveryman (uncredited) Night Without Sleeptrue- Henry (Uncredited) Bloodhounds of Broadwaytrue- Uncle Old Fella (uncredited) You Can't Run Away from Ittrue- Norville, the Butler Inspector Pereztrue- Flower Vendor The Far Horizonstrue- Tom (uncredited) Shadow on the Landtrue- Arnold Uptighttrue- Bartender (uncredited)