Harry Hayden
Harry Hayden
Top Movie Cast
Artists & Modelstrue- Early (uncredited) Love Is Newstrue- Salesman (uncredited) The Princess Comes Acrosstrue- Master of Ceremonies (uncredited) Kill the Umpiretrue- Hotel Manager (uncredited) Christmas in Julytrue- Mr. Waterbury (uncredited) The Velvet Touchtrue- Mr. Couch Out of the Stormtrue- Chief Ryan Hail the Conquering Herotrue- Doc Bissell Union Stationtrue- Conductor Skelly Pier 23true- Dr. Earl J. Tomkins Weird Womantrue- Dean Septimus Carr Key Witnesstrue- Custer Bidwell Boston Blackie's Rendezvoustrue- Arthur Manleder Intruder in the Dusttrue- Mr. Mallison Bad Little Angeltrue- Mr. Simms, Man in Jim's Office (uncredited) Mississippi Gamblertrue- Sheriff Dan Calkins Whispering Ghoststrue- Conroy The Unfinished Dancetrue- Murphy Flight at Midnighttrue- Hank Neary Merton of the Moviestrue- Mr. Gashwiler The Arkansas Travelertrue- Banker The Unknown Guesttrue- George Nadroy God's Country and the Womantrue- Barnes Variety Girltrue- Manager at Grauman's Chinese Springtime in the Rockiestrue- Brown (uncredited) Public Enemy's Wifetrue- Justice of the Peace When in Rometrue- Girdle Salesman The Pride of the Yankeestrue- Department Store Manager (uncredited) He Married His Wifetrue- Prisoner The Cisco Kid and the Ladytrue- Sheriff I Want a Divorcetrue- Buell Five Little Peppers And How They Grewtrue- Dr. Spence They All Come Outtrue- Educational Director (uncredited) College Holidaytrue- Mr. Smith (uncredited) Barricadetrue- Telegraph Manager Easy Come, Easy Gotrue- Bank Teller John Meade's Womantrue- Gallatin Here I Am a Strangertrue- Landlord The Lady and the Monstertrue- Dr. Martin Till the Clouds Roll Bytrue- Charles Frohman The Last Possetrue- Davis, a Traveling Salesman Delinquent Parentstrue- Mayor Wharton The Dude Goes Westtrue- Horace Hotchkiss Bathing Beautytrue- Jonathan (uncredited) Up in Armstrue- Dr. Weavermacher Three Hearts for Juliatrue- Steve (uncredited) Four Men and a Prayertrue- Cherrington's Secretary Ever Since Evetrue- President of the Purity League Captain Chinatrue- Shipping Line Owner I'll Give a Milliontrue- Gilman Wells Fargotrue- Postal Clerk Double Dangertrue- Dr. Hilliard Love Is on the Airtrue- Mr. Butler Melody for Twotrue- Mr. Armstrong The Case of the Black Cattrue- Reverend Stillwell A Medal for Bennytrue- Pantera Pepster Club Member (uncredited) Exclusivetrue- City Editor Henry Aldrich Plays Cupidtrue- Businessman Wife, Husband and Friendtrue- Hotel Manager Rose of Washington Squaretrue- Dexter Charlie Chan in Renotrue- Chemistry Professor At the Circustrue- Conductor (uncredited) Invitation to Happinesstrue- Reporter (uncredited) The House of Feartrue- Coroner Frontier Marshaltrue- Mayor Henderson Mr. Smith Goes to Washingtontrue- First Radio Announcer (uncredited) The Under-Puptrue- Lawyer The Rains Cametrue- Rev. Elmer Simon Mutiny in the Big Housetrue- Mr. Scott O. Henry's Full Housetrue- A.J. Crump (segment "The Gift of the Magi") (uncredited) The Traveling Saleswomantrue- J.L. King Best Foot Forwardtrue- Prof. Walter Morton Kentuckytrue- Racing Secretary Furytrue- Lem (uncredited) The Man Who Wouldn't Talktrue- Dan You're Not So Toughtrue- Lacey Midnight Courttrue- Stolen Car Victim Army Boundtrue- Mr. Harris Should a Girl Marry?true- Dr. Willard The Magnificent Dopetrue- Mitchell The Desperadotrue- Picnic Baskets Auctioneer Every Girl Should Be Marriedtrue- Gogarty Without Reservationstrue- Harry Randall (uncredited) Dangerous Partnerstrue- The Coroner (uncredited) It Happened Tomorrowtrue- Bartender (uncredited) Society Smugglerstrue- Dr. Lee Notorioustrue- Defense Counsel (uncredited) Out of the Pasttrue- Canby Miller (uncredited) The Parson of Panaminttrue- Timothy Hadley Hoosier Schoolboytrue- Mr. Townsend The Killerstrue- George (uncredited) This Gun for Hiretrue- Man in Restaurant Recognizing Gates (uncredited) The Woman in the Windowtrue- Pharmacist (uncredited) All by Myselftrue- Mr. Blake Black Fridaytrue- Prison Doctor Two Against the Worldtrue- Dr. Martin Leavenworth The Night of January 16thtrue- Williamson Boom Towntrue- Smith - the Architect (uncredited) I Married a Doctortrue- Professor George Mott Lillian Russelltrue- Mr. Sloane The Great McGintytrue- Poll Watcher at Barber Shop (uncredited) Saps at Seatrue- Mr. Sharp Danger Patroltrue- Funeral Minister Knute Rockne All Americantrue- Committee Member (uncredited) The Courageous Dr. Christiantrue- Gossiper on phone I Love You Againtrue- Mr. Wayne - Man in Bar on Ship The Mad Doctortrue- Ticket Clerk (Uncredited) City of Chancetrue- Husband - in Montage Phantoms, Inc.true- Gus Conklin Lone Star Rangertrue- Sheriff Calling Dr. Gillespietrue- Auto Salesman (uncredited) Valley of the Suntrue- Governor Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fevertrue- Mr. MacMahon (uncredited) Remember the Daytrue- Mr. Roberts Blossoms in the Dusttrue- Senator The Judge Steps Outtrue- Judge Davis Up in Mabel's Roomtrue- Justice of the Peace (uncredited) Barbary Coast Genttrue- Elias Porter Straight, Place and Showtrue- Grouch at Racetrack Double Alibitrue- Coroner Get Hep to Lovetrue- Judge Ramsey New Winetrue- Box-Office Clerk at Carnegie Hall Slightly Dangeroustrue- Doctor (uncredited) The Blue Dahliatrue- Mr. Hughes (Assistant Hotel Manager) (uncredited) Mr. Whitney Had a Notiontrue- Senatorial Committee Man Docks of New Orleanstrue- Oscar Swenstrom Captain Chinatrue- Ship Line Owner (uncredited) Week-End in Havanatrue- Passenger Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet the Killer, Boris Karlofftrue- Lawrence Crandall The War Against Mrs. Hadleytrue- Stevens, Washington Chronicle Reporter Two Sisters from Bostontrue- Uncle Jonathan Du Barry was a Ladytrue- Husband Checking Wife's Coat The Accusing Fingertrue- Clerical Employee True to Lifetrue- Radio Pop (uncredited) The Secret Hearttrue- Minister We Who Are Youngtrue- CPA Test Examiner (uncredited) Rings on Her Fingerstrue- Conductor Puddin' Headtrue- Radio Sponsor Marked Womantrue- Man Bringing Coroner's Report (uncredited) Hold That Ghosttrue- Jenkins (uncredited) They Made Me a Killertrue- Pat Travers Night in New Orleanstrue- Dr. Brady, Coroner's Physician (Uncredited) My Brother Talks to Horsestrue- Mr. Gibley Gun Crazytrue- Mr. Mallenberg You're a Lucky Fellow, Mr. Smithtrue- Judge Hello, Frisco, Hellotrue- Burkham A Man Betrayedtrue- Langworthy Joe Palooka in the Big Fighttrue- Commissioner Harris Killer at Largetrue- William Bentley Californiatrue- Barrett (uncredited) You Can't Escape Forevertrue- Judge Hardaker (uncredited) Tales of Manhattantrue- 'Soupy' Davis (Robinson sequence) The Meanest Man in the Worldtrue- Realtor The Great Momenttrue- Judge Shipman Double Dynamitetrue- J.L. McKissack The Strange Affair of Uncle Harrytrue The Luckiest Girl in the Worldtrue- Manager