Geoff Dunbar
Geoff Dunbar
Top Movie Cast
Paul McCartney: In the World Tonighttrue- Self Top Movie Crew
Rupert and the Frog SongtrueDirecting
Animation Has ChangedtrueVisual Effects
LautrectrueVisual Effects
Tropic Island HumtrueProduction
Tropic Island HumtrueDirecting
Rupert and the Frog SongtrueProduction
Rupert and the Frog SongtrueArt
Rupert and the Frog SongtrueWriting
Rupert and the Frog SongtrueVisual Effects
Paul McCartney - The Music and Animation CollectiontrueDirecting
Daumier's LawtrueDirecting
High in the CloudstrueWriting
The Tale of Peter Rabbit & Benjamin BunnytrueDirecting